Omega loop bypass - find a specialist and information

The omega-loop bypass (also omega-loop gastric bypass) is a bariatric surgery procedure. Doctors reduce the size of the stomach in order to reduce the capacity for food intake. The procedure is used for patients who are severely overweight (obese). Especially when all other conventional attempts to lose weight have been unsuccessful.

You can find out how omega loop gastric bypass surgery works, what risks are involved and where you can find omega loop bypass specialists here.

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Omega-Loop-Bypass - Further information

Surgical stomach reduction: omega-loop bypass

People who are very overweight often find it difficult to lose weight. However, morbidobesity is primarily a risk factor for serious illnesses such as

If conventional weight loss methods fail, bariatric surgery is often the only option.

The omega-loop bypass principle

In an omega-loop gastric bypass, doctors surgically transform the stomach into a long, narrow tube. They remove large parts of the stomach and also parts of the nearby small intestine.

This considerably reduces the volume of the stomach. The patient can take in less food and absorb fewer nutrients from the chyme in the intestine.

As a further consequence, there is a change in the hormone balance. Patients with an omega-loop bypass develop less hunger and therefore consume less food. Bariatric surgery also appears to have a positive effect on diabetes.

Omega-loop-bypassThe omega loop bypass is a modern gastric bypass variant and is also known as a mini gastric bypass @ heike114 /AdobeStock

Complications of an omega loop bypass

Due to the altered digestive physiology (shortened stomach and intestinal passage), deficiency symptoms can occur. The patient may no longer be able to absorb sufficient quantities of important nutritional components such as vitamins (vitamin B12).

In addition, an omega-loop bypass can lead to a disturbed water balance in the intestine. The patient then suffers more frequently from constipation or prolonged diarrhea.

Swallowing problems, peritonitis, osteoporosis and hair loss can also occur.

A further complication is the reflux of bile into the stomach. The long-term consequences of such reflux are still poorly understood.

Observations suggest that bile acids can trigger stomach cancer after around 10 to 15 years if they reflux.

For this reason, doctors advise those affected by reflux to have another operation. They are given a Roux-en-Y bypass instead of the omega loop bypass.

Follow-up care after an omega-loop bypass

The lasting changes in digestive physiology due to the bariatric procedure require lifelong monitoring with laboratory tests.

Patients must takevitamin B12 supplements for the rest of their lives . Patients should avoid sugary foods . To prevent hypoglycemia, however, some glucose should always be available.

Women should not become pregnant for up to 24 months after the procedure. People with an omega loop bypass should also refrain from smoking completely.

Omega Loop Bypass specialists

Omega-loop bypass specialists work as experts in bariatric surgery at obesity centers or in surgical clinics.

Gastric operations generally fall within the field of visceral surgery. However, specialists in diabetology, nutritional medicine, endoscopy and aesthetic surgery are also frequently involved.

In addition to the actual omega-loop gastric bypass, obese patients also need to ensure long-term success in losing weight following the operation.

This requires a change in diet, for example. Doctors can surgically remove and aesthetically adjust fat aprons and excess skin folds if weight loss is achieved quickly.

Überschüssige Haut nach MagenverkleinerungRapid and significant weight loss can occur after a stomach reduction , which can result in excess skin @ SENTELLO /AdobeStock

Patients should also receive advice on vitamin supplements and possible diabetes mellitus.

Diabetes is a common concomitant disease in cases of severe obesity. It must be a mandatory part of the treatment to relieve the altered digestive physiology after an omega loop bypass procedure.

Above you will find a list of selected omega-loop bypass specialists and specialized hospital centers for bariatric surgery. In particular for gastric bypass operations such as the omega-loop bypass or the Roux-en-Y bypass.

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