Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. 
Joachim W. Thüroff

Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Joachim W. Thüroff

Medizinischer Fachautor
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Joachim W. Thüroff



Stein R, Kamal MM, Rubenwolf P, Ziesel C, Schröder A, Thüroff JW.
Bladder augmentation using bowel segments (enterocystoplasty).
BJU Int. 2012 Oct;110(7):1078-94.

Steffens S, Janssen M, Roos FC, Becker F, Schumacher S, Seidel C, Wegener G, Thüroff JW, Hofmann R, Stöckle M, Siemer S, Schrader M, Hartmann A, Kuczyk MA, Junker K, Schrader AJ.
Incidence and long-term prognosis of papillary compared to clear cell renal cell carcinoma - A multicentre study.
Eur J Cancer. 2012 Oct;48(15):2347-52.

Thomas C, Roos FC, Thüroff JW.
[Importance of radical prostatectomy for patients older than 70 years].
Urologe A. 2012 Oct;51(10):1362-7.

Lucas MG, Bosch RJ, Burkhard FC, Cruz F, Madden TB, Nambiar AK, Neisius A, de Ridder DJ, Tubaro A, Turner WH, Pickard RS.
EAU Guidelines on Surgical Treatment of Urinary Incontinence.
Eur Urol. 2012 Sep 17.

Lucas MG, Bosch RJ, Burkhard FC, Cruz F, Madden TB, Nambiar A, Neisius A, de Ridder DJ, Tubaro A, Turner WH, Pickard RS.
EAU Guidelines on Assessment and Nonsurgical Management of Urinary Incontinence.
Eur Urol. 2012 Aug 31.

Wöllner J, Neisius A, Hampel C, Thüroff JW.
[Extracorporeal magnetic innervation : A non-invasive therapy for urinary incontinence?]
Urologe A. 2012 Jul 19.

Leicht W, Thomas C, Thüroff J, Roos F.
[Colovesical fistula caused by diverticulitis of the sigmoid colon: diagnosis and treatment].
Urologe A. 2012 Jul;51(7):971-4.

Thüroff JW.
[Laparoscopic vs. robotic operations in urology].
Urologe A. 2012 May;51(5):615-6.

Hampel C, Thomas C, Thüroff JW, Roos F.
[Sacropolpopexy - pro robotic.]
Urologe A. 2012 Apr 20.

Hampel C, Thomas C, Thüroff JW, Roos F.
[Symptomatic reflux and stenosis of ureteroenteric anastomosis : Diagnostics and therapy].
Urologe A. 2012 Apr;51(4):477-84.

Kälble T, Hofmann I, Thüroff JW, Stein R, Hautmann R, Riedmiller H, Vergho D, Hertle L, Wülfing C, Truß M, Roth S, von Rundstedt FC, Albers P, Gschwend J, Herkommer K, Humke U, Spahn M, Bader P, Steffens J, Harzmann R, Stief CG, Karl A, Müller SC, Waldner M, Noldus J, Kleinschmidt K, Alken P, Kopper B, Fisch M, Lampel A, Stenzel A, Fichtner J, Flath B, Rübben H, Juenemann KP, Hautmann S, Knipper A, Leusmann D, Strohmaier W, Thon WF, Miller S, Weingärtner K, Schilling A, Piechota H, Becht JE, Schwaibold H, Bub P, Conrad S, Wenderoth U, Merkle W, Rösch W, Otto T, Ulshöfer B, Westenfelder M.
[Secondary malignancies in urinary diversions].
Urologe A. 2012 Apr;51(4):500-6.

Mehralivand S, Giessing M, Fornara P, Engehausen D, Heynemann H, Wunderlich H, Dreikorn K, Thüroff JW, Stein R.
[19th annual conference of the working group on kidney transplantation of the academy of german urologists : mainz, 10-12 november 2011].
Urologe A. 2012 Apr;51(4):550-4.

Stein R, Schröder A, Thüroff JW.
Bladder augmentation and urinary diversion in patients with neurogenic bladder: surgical considerations.
J Pediatr Urol. 2012 Apr;8(2):153-61.

Stein R, Schröder A, Thüroff JW.
Bladder augmentation and urinary diversion in patients with neurogenic bladder: Non-surgical considerations.
J Pediatr Urol. 2012 Apr;8(2):145-52.

Stein R, Ziesel C, Frees S, Thüroff JW.
[Metabolic long-term complications after urinary diversion].
Urologe A. 2012 Apr;51(4):507-14.

Thüroff JW, Hampel C, Leicht W, Gheith MK, Stein R.
[Indications for different types of urinary diversion].
Urologe A. 2012 Apr;51(4):473-6.

Thüroff JW.
[Comments on partial nephrectomy - laparoscopic versus robotic.]
Urologe A. 2012 Apr 19.

Thüroff JW.
[Problems of urinary diversion].
Urologe A. 2012 Apr;51(4):471-2.

Ziesel C, Frees S, Thüroff JW, Stein R.
[Therapeutic options for primary vesicoureteral reflux: endoscopic vs open surgical approach].
Urologe A. 2012 Mar;51(3):352-6.

Roos FC, Brenner W, Thomas C, Jäger W, Thüroff JW, Hampel C, Jones J.
Functional analysis of elective nephron-sparing surgery vs radical nephrectomy for renal tumors larger than 4 cm.
Urology. 2012 Mar;79(3):607-13.

Selinski S, Lehmann ML, Blaszkewicz M, Ovsiannikov D, Moormann O, Guballa C, Kress A, Truss MC, Gerullis H, Otto T, Barski D, Niegisch G, Albers P, Frees S, Brenner W, Thüroff JW, Angeli-Greaves M, Seidel T, Roth G, Volkert F, Ebbinghaus R, Prager HM, Lukas C, Bolt HM, Falkenstein M, Zimmermann A, Klein T, Reckwitz T, Roemer HC, Hartel M, Weistenhöfer W, Schöps W, Rizvi SA, Aslam M, Bánfi G, Romics I, Ickstadt K, Hengstler JG, Golka K.
Urinary bladder cancer risk in relation to a single nucleotide polymorphism (rs2854744) in the insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 (IGFBP3) gene.
Arch Toxicol. 2012 Feb;86(2):195-203.

Thomas C, Pfirrmann K, Pieles F, Bogumil A, Gillitzer R, Wiesner C, Thüroff JW, Melchior SW.
Predictors for clinically relevant Gleason score upgrade in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy.
BJU Int. 2012 Jan;109(2):214-9.

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