Mania: Specialists and information

Leading Medicine Guide Editors
Leading Medicine Guide Editors

Mania is a pathological mental condition. In mild cases, it is characterized by a persistently elevated mood, increased activity, increased well-being and a reduced need for sleep. In severe cases, symptoms such as overconfidence, ideas of grandeur, delusional thoughts or hallucinations occur. Mania is usually treated with medication such as mood stabilizers or neuroleptics.

You can find further information and selected mania specialists and centers here.

ICD codes for this diseases: F30

Article overview

Definition: What is mania?

The term mania refers to a pathological mental state. It is regarded as the opposite of depression and usually occurs as part of a bipolar disorder. This used to be called manic-depressive illness and is classified as an endogenous psychosis.

Monopolar manias (without depression) are very rare, but then have a high risk of relapse.

Much rarer are manifest syndromes in the context of

  • high fever,
  • drug intoxication,
  • physical or organic brain diseases or
  • as a side effect of medication

to be found.

Historically, the term mania goes back to Hippocrates in the 5th century BC. Translated from Latin, mania means frenzy, obsession, madness.

Symptoms of mania

According to ICD-10, hypomania (= mild forms of mania) is characterized by

  • a persistently slightly elevated mood,
  • increased activity and drive,
  • an increased sense of well-being,
  • sociability,
  • talkativeness and
  • reduced need for sleep for a few days.

The individual fluctuation range is very wide. For an exact classification of mania, it is therefore often necessary to consult the description of relatives who know the affected person well.

Due to the subjective feeling of well-being that often exists in a state of mania, those affected sometimes refuse treatment. Artists describe often displaying particular creativity in a state of mania. However, there is a risk of deterioration with sometimes serious negative consequences.

Manic phase without psychotic symptoms

Clear mania without psychotic symptoms is characterized by

  • An elevated mood that is inappropriate to the situation,
  • overactivity,
  • a strong urge to talk,
  • reduced ability to listen,
  • reduced need for sleep,
  • loss of usual social inhibitions,
  • strong distractibility,
  • overconfidence,
  • expansiveness,
  • ideas of grandeur,
  • risky projects and
  • sometimes high expenditure of money

for at least a week.

Manische Phase
During a mania, those affected are extremely energetic and tend to overestimate themselves © © yesdoubleyes | AdobeStock

Manic phase with psychotic symptoms

Mania with psychotic symptoms also manifests itself in

  • gross overestimation of oneself,
  • Ideas of grandeur of delusional proportions,
  • flight of ideas,
  • possibly delusions of persecution,
  • aggression/violence and
  • possibly in delusional thoughts or hallucinations.

Consequences of a manic phase

In a severe mania, those affected have already

  • Irretrievably damaged partnerships or employment relationships,
  • have run through savings,
  • incurred considerable debts or
  • seriously endangered themselves and others through risky behavior or alcohol or drug intoxication.

In so-called mixed manic-depressive episodes, suicidal impulses can also occur briefly. They quickly lead to suicidal acts when inhibitions are generally reduced.

Mania with a lack of insight into the illness

The clinical picture of mania is particularly problematic when it is accompanied by a lack of insight into the illness. Those affected are then often already recognizable as ill to the layperson, but do not seek help or vehemently reject the help offered.

Only in cases of acute danger to themselves or others can those affected be admitted to psychiatric treatment, even against their will. The public order offices, health authorities and the police are responsible for making this determination, which is organized differently depending on the district and federal state.

Hospitalization for more than 24 hours requires judicial approval.

Treatment of mania

In most cases, manic episodes are treated with mood stabilizers (lithium, valproate) or neuroleptics. If mania is present, a supportive, low-stimulus environment and regular (specialist) medical contact are recommended.

The relapse rate is very high in the months following a manic phase. Therefore, even after the acute phases of the illness have subsided, maintenance treatment with medication and relapse prevention is necessary. The mood stabilizer should be discontinued after one year at the earliest, sometimes even much later.

A manic patient should always seek outpatient specialist treatment. This is provided by a psychiatrist or neurologist in private practice or in psychiatric outpatient clinics (PIA). If this care is not sufficient in acute phases of the illness, day clinic or full inpatient treatment in a psychiatric ward may be considered.

If you have problems with

  • problems with accepting the illness,
  • a need for information or
  • a professional issue,

medical rehabilitation in a specialized clinic can also be helpful.

In the case of legal incapacity in the context of a proven mania, purchases can sometimes be returned or purchase contracts reversed.

Case study: How do manias manifest themselves?

A 48-year-old teacher is admitted as an inpatient after becoming increasingly overactive in the previous weeks in order - as she said herself - to make the world happy.

There had been signs of an elevated mood for a few days. The manic episode then broke out completely during a weekend course on which the patient hardly slept. She slept only 1 to 2 hours a night, was on her feet all day, talked a lot and pursued the goal of making those around her happy. To this end, she made wreaths of flowers for all the neighbors, wanted to sing with children at the playground, etc.

She refused inpatient treatment because she felt extremely well and still had a lot to do. She has a history of several manic and severe depressive episodes. The patient initially refuses to be admitted as an inpatient, but a good friend is able to persuade her to stay in the clinic. She is initially given a highly effective neuroleptic (Zyprexa®), which works well against acute mania.

After her condition has stabilized after about four weeks, lithium is carefully added for further phase prophylaxis. The patient had already had good experiences with the medication. However, on the advice of a very religious and medication-hostile new acquaintance, she had stopped taking it six months before admission to hospital.

The importance of taking lithium regularly and possibly for years is therefore discussed with her in detail.

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