Rays that heal. Rays that produce images - these are the main areas of radiology. Radiation medicine, as radiology is also known, is concerned with the medical use of various types of radiation. These rays are used to diagnose and treat various diseases.
Radiology - Further information
From X-rays to ultrasound(sonography) and radiotherapy - there are different types of radiation in radiology.
First of all, general radiology deals with imaging procedures: Radiological methods can be used to produce images of the inside of the body. It is no wonder that Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen caused a worldwide sensation with his so-called X-rays: at last it was possible to detect pathological changes in the body in a very simple way!
Depending on the procedure, injected or ingested contrast agents reveal metabolic activity - they improve imaging in the relevant parts of the body.
Neuroradiology is a specialized branch of radiology that deals with the imaging and examination of the nervous system.
In addition to imaging radiology, there is also interventional radiology. This is not concerned with diagnosis, but with the direct treatment of diseases: During imaging, therapeutic interventions are carried out at the same time.
For example, during a biopsy, pathologically altered tissue is removed from the body - image-supported using MRI or CT. Other procedures are also carried out during imaging, for example when a special catheter is used to widen narrowed or blocked blood vessels under X-ray control during an angioplasty.