Visceral Surgery | Specialists and Information

Visceral surgery includes interventions for diseases of the internal organs. The intestines, liver, pancreas and oesophagus are just as much a part of this area as the stomach and gall bladder. Not to be forgotten: Surgical treatment of diseases or injuries to the thyroid gland or adrenal glands are also a case for visceral surgery.

There is a lot for these surgeons to do, especially in the main areas: inflammatory bowel diseases, fistulas, fissures and hemorrhoids, tumors and cancers are examples of cases in which abdominal surgeons intervene.

Transplants of the liver, kidney and pancreas are also tasks of the visceral surgeon.

Article overview

Abdominal surgery - Further information

In the visceral surgery specialist search you will find medical experts for treatments and surgical procedures in the field of visceral surgery.

Do you have stomach cancer, oesophageal cancer or colon cancer and need an expert in abdominal surgery? Or are you looking for a visceral surgeon for a liver transplant or gastric banding? Here you will find selected specialists for visceral surgery.

Specialty of visceral surgery

Visceral surgeons are also known as abdominal surgeons. He is a specialist for operations on the abdominal organs and the entire digestive tract.

The best-known operations are

The most common operations in visceral surgery include

Visceral surgeons have:

  • Surgical expertise
  • Knowledge of diagnostic procedures
  • Disease-related pre- and post-treatment

To become a specialist in visceral surgery, a doctor must complete six years of further training.

Therapeutic range of services in visceral surgery

The range of therapeutic services offered by visceral surgery includes in particular

In the field of carcinoma surgery, visceral surgery deals with the removal of tumor tissue in the case of

  • Colorectal cancer
  • stomach cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • cancer of the oesophagus
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Bile duct cancer
  • Removal of liver metastases
  • Liver tumors
  • Partial liver removal and
  • Implantation of a port system

The visceral surgery area of bariatric surgery includes the implantation of a gastric band and stomach reduction.

Other visceral surgery procedures include

  • Liver transplantation
  • Gall bladder removal (cholecystectomy)
  • Removal of the appendix
  • Hernia operations
  • Insertion of a synthetic mesh (TEP or TAPP operation) and
  • NOTES - surgical operations through natural body orifices
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