Skin & venereal diseases | Specialists and information

"Specialist in dermatology and venereology" - this term refers to specialists in skin and venereal diseases. Although they are two different fields, they are grouped together: Venereology (the study of sexually transmitted diseases) is not considered a separate field of medicine.

Article overview

Dermatology and Venereology - Further information

Skin and sexually transmitted diseases as specialist training

The further training of a licensed physician to become a specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases takes five years.

The specialist title for skin and venereal diseases covers two different areas. Venereology is the study of sexually transmitted diseases, while dermatology deals with skin diseases. These specialists often specialize in only one of the two areas.

Dermatology - focusing on the skin

Dermatology deals with diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. This includes the so-called appendages - i.e. hair, nails and glands.

The relevant specialists deal with benign and malignant tumors such as warts and moles, skin cancer and malignant melanoma. Also

  • allergic skin reactions,
  • psoriasis,
  • hives and
  • shingles

are also part of the dermatologist's spectrum.

Another area is aesthetic dermatology, which - in contrast to skin transplants after burns - deals with topics such as facelifts or wrinkle injections. Here, dermatologists certainly touch on the field of plastic surgery.

  • Collagenoses (such as scleroderma and dermatomyositis),
  • blistering or
  • bullous pemphigoid

are autoimmune diseases of the skin that dermatologists deal with.

Dermatologists have specialist knowledge of diagnostic procedures as well as disease-related pre- and post-treatments.

Venereology - the study of sexually transmitted diseases

With the field of venereology, the specialist in skin and sexually transmitted diseases extends his range of services to include the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases - i.e. sexually transmitted infectious diseases.

These can be caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi, but almost always via the skin, which is why venereology is also considered part of dermatology.

The most common diseases are

HIV infections are also treated by dermatologists and venereologists.

Therapeutic range of services in the field of skin and venereal diseases

The range of therapeutic services offered by dermatology and venereology also essentially includes

  • Allergology,
  • balneotherapy,
  • balneophototherapy,
  • Treatment of chronic skin diseases (e.g. neurodermatitis, psoriasis),
  • dermatohistology / direct immunofluorescence,
  • treatment of dermatoses,
  • Skin cancer treatment(melanoma, lymphoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma),
  • Hyperhidrosis treatment(iontophoresis, excisions, suction curettage),
  • Cryotherapy (icing),
  • Laser therapy for psoriasis (psoriasis),
  • vitiligo (white spot disease) and neurodermatitis therapy,
  • Surgical therapy,
  • Photodynamic therapy,
  • PUVA (for the treatment of psoriasis, neurodermatitis and vitiligo),
  • Scleroderma,
  • Therapy of disturbing skin changes,
  • allergic vasculitis
  • and screening for black skin cancer.
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