Dizziness medicine | Specialists and information

Dizziness is not a disease, but rather a symptom of diseases associated with the sense of balance. Specialized dizziness centers are therefore often located in the ear, nose and throat clinic or in neurology.

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Vertigo Center - Further information

For more balance: the vertigo center

Doctors differentiate between

  • vertigo
  • Lift vertigo and
  • rotary vertigo

Swaying vertigo usually occurs as a result of tension, in stress and anxiety situations as well as with headaches or migraines.

With elevator vertigo, sufferers have the feeling of being in an approaching elevator.

This is to be distinguished from rotary vertigo, which often indicates more serious illnesses. The characteristic feature of rotary vertigo is that the dizziness moves clockwise or counterclockwise. This indicates involvement of the vestibular system in the inner ear.

Frau mit Schwindel lehnt an der WandWoman with vertigo leaning against the wall @ Robert Kneschke /AdobeStock

What diagnoses are possible?

Sudden symptoms of dizziness should always be checked out at a nearby hospital as soon as possible. This is because it could possibly be a stroke.

Recurrent or prolonged dizziness, on the other hand, should be treated by an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT) or neurologist.

Many cities therefore have specialized vertigo centers where patients with vertigo symptoms receive interdisciplinary examination and treatment.

Common causes of rotational vertigo include

Epilepsie und SchwindelSometimes an epilepsy attack is announced beforehand by dizziness @ Rainer Fuhrmann /AdobeStock

Diagnosis of dizziness using numerous validated test procedures

Various test procedures are available today to examine the vestibular system.

The following methods are used most frequently:

  • Clinical examination
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Tuning fork test
  • Otoscopy
  • Nystagmus test (test for rapid, uncontrolled eye movements)
  • Romberg test (test for stability)
  • Finger-nose test
  • Diadochokinesis (successive opposing movement sequences)
  • Nerve conduction velocity measurements
  • Head impulse test
Finger-Nase-TestThe patient tries to tap the tip of the nose with an index finger during the finger-nose test @ Robert Kneschke /AdobeStock

The treatment of dizziness

Chronic dizziness, which mainly occurs in older people, can be treated with medication or targeted exercises.

Specialized dizziness therapy often leads to freedom from dizziness. Many patients benefit in particular from so-called combination therapies, consisting of medication and movement exercises.

In contrast to chronic spinning vertigo, acute spinning vertigo can also occur , such as in Meniere's disease. Such disease-related vertigo attacks can usually be controlled very well with medication in the beginning.

Later on, however, surgical treatment of vertigo may become necessary in rare cases. Such procedures are carried out at specialized vertigo centers throughout Germany.

Experts for vertigo therapies

Designated vertigo centers are usually part of neurology centers or clinics for ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT). The vertigo therapy specialists working there have completed specialist training as ENT specialists or neurologists.

The team at the vertigo center is multidisciplinary. In addition to specialists in neurology or ENT, it also includes non-medical therapy groups.

For patients, this means comprehensive care and, if necessary, rapid rehabilitation.

Specialist centers for dizziness pool the latest research knowledge and thus enable optimal care for patients with vertigo attacks or chronic dizziness.


  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf- und Hals-Chirurgie e.V.
  • Schwindel­ambulanz Berlin [letzter Zugriff am 02.03.2019]
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