Bowel surgery | Specialists and information

Intestinal surgery is a branch of general and visceral surgery. It deals with the surgical treatment of intestinal diseases.

All the doctors on this page are bowel specialists with many years of experience. We have selected them for you according to strict criteria. Contact the experts if you have any questions about bowel surgery!

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Article overview

Intestinal surgery - Further information

Intestinal surgery is a branch of general and visceral surgery.

It specializes in the surgical treatment of

Morbus Crohn

Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that the body triggers itself as an autoimmune reaction @ bilderzwerg /AdobeStock

Depending on which section of the intestine is affected, there are different main areas of intestinal surgery.

These include, among others:

DarmchirurgieIntestinal surgery includes all surgical procedures on the small and large intestine @ Nekrasov /AdobeStock

Diseases that bowel specialists treat surgically as part of bowel surgery include

Rectal surgery specializes in the treatment of rectal diseases such as haemorrhoids or anal fistulas.


Intestinal obstruction is an interruption of the passage in the small or large intestine and is a life-threatening situation @ Henrie /AdobeStock

Specialists in intestinal surgery

Bowel specialists are experienced and qualified surgeons specializing in general and visceral surgery.

They specialize in the surgical treatment of diseases of the small intestine, large intestine and rectum.

As they regularly perform bowel operations, bowel specialists have proven expertise in the field of bowel surgery.

What makes our doctors specialists in bowel surgery?

In the Leading Medicine Guide you will find selected, highly qualified medical experts from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

All colorectal surgeons listed here fulfill the strict admission criteria of the Leading Medicine Guide. Our colorectal specialists have many years of proven experience and extensive specialist expertise in the field of colorectal surgery.

Therapeutic range of bowel surgery services

In the surgical treatment of bowel diseases, bowel specialists have a wide range of therapeutic services at their disposal.

For example, the range of small bowel surgery services includes the following bowel operations:

  • Adhesiolysis
  • Small bowel resection (partial or complete removal of the small bowel)
  • Ileal surgery
  • Creation of an ileostomy (small bowel outlet)
  • Ileostomy repositioning
  • Meckel's diverticulum operation
  • Whipple operation

As part of colon surgery, bowel specialists perform the following procedures, among others:

  • Creation of an enterostomy (artificial bowel outlet)
  • Appendectomy (appendectomy)
  • Diverticulum resection
  • Colon interposition (insertion of a section of colon into another section of the digestive tract)
  • Colectomy (removal of the colon)
  • Colon resection (partial or complete removal of the colon)

Colon surgery can be performed as part of an open procedure (laparotomy) or as a minimally invasive endoscopic or laparoscopic procedure.

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