There are three centres in particular with which the Asklepios Paulinen Klinik Wiesbaden has acquired a high reputation far beyond the region: Both the Obesity Centre, which is certified as a centre of excellence for obesity and metabolic surgery, and the Centre for Colorectal Care are considered exemplary institutions of highly specialised healthcare at an international level. In addition, there is a focus on diagnostics and therapy of reflux disease. The person responsible for the amazing reputation is first and foremost the head of these centres, who is also the head physician of general, visceral and minimally invasive surgery:
Prof. Martin Hoffmann, MD.
When Prof. Dr. med. Martin Hoffmann took over as head of general and visceral surgery at the Asklepios Paulinen Klinik in Wiesbaden in 2017, a high-calibre reputation preceded him for several reasons: Here came "a proven expert in minimally invasive surgery to the APK, who previously established the centre of excellence for minimally invasive surgery in Lübeck", as the clinic itself expressed its anticipation – and who brought with him "exceptionally great experience in the field of complex minimally invasive and open surgery of the entire gastrointestinal tract as well as multi-layered upper abdominal surgery". "Oncological operations on the oesophagus, stomach, intestine, pancreas, liver, peritoneum and gall bladder are also part of his speciality," it read.
In the meantime, the entire region around the Hessian capital benefits from the high level of expertise of the specialist in surgery, thoracic surgery and special visceral surgery, who incidentally also covers the entire field of hernia surgery. No wonder, as minimally invasive surgical techniques have also become established in particularly innovative variations for complex visceral hernias, and Prof. Hoffmann attached great importance to offering a particularly broad spectrum of treatment in the field of laparoscopy from the very beginning. The population in the Rhine-Main Region thus also benefits from particularly gentle interventions without major tissue trauma. The surgical treatment of reflux disease, for example, has become widespread.
Cancer treatments in the Centre for Colorectal Care
Why minimally invasive techniques are usually far superior to conventional surgery today is shown clearly by the facts: The successes that have become measurable in recent years, for example in the treatment of cancer in the abdominal cavity, are directly related to innovative surgical procedures. But this also means that the precision of the surgery and the mastery of the respective surgeon are the most important factors for the prognosis. One of the advantages of the Asklepios Paulinen Klinik Wiesbaden is therefore that Prof. Hoffmann offers 3D laparoscopy in newly built operating rooms.
For these reasons, too, the Centre for Colorectal Care, which has already been certified several times by the German Cancer Society, enjoys an excellent reputation that extends far beyond the region. There, Prof. Dr. med. Martin Hoffmann and his team mainly perform operations on the colon and rectum, although Prof. Hoffmann also has a high level of expertise in peritoneal cancer. Whether it is the treatment of primary tumours or metastases, the Wiesbaden Centre for Colorectal Care always benefits from the interdisciplinary approach, in which the expertise of specialists from a wide range of disciplines takes into account all aspects of colorectal cancer.
Obesity Centre: Successful five-pillar therapy
Another branch of visceral surgery where state-of-the-art minimally invasive procedures are becoming increasingly important today is obesity surgery. So it's a good thing that the Wiesbaden Obesity Centre is also headed by Prof. Martin Hoffmann, MD. There, people with morbid obesity receive a high-calibre interdisciplinary therapy consisting of five pillars: Medicine, behavioural therapy, nutritional counselling, exercise and self-help. Surgical treatment is not usually the first option, as other attempts are made first to achieve weight loss.
But when surgery is performed, it is important for patients that each operation is carried out at a high internationally recognized level of quality. This is also reflected in the fact that the Obesity Centre Wiesbaden at the Asklepios Paulinen Klinik has been certified as a centre of excellence for obesity and metabolic surgery by the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery. The high level and quality of the therapy is not only reflected in the excellent results of the operations, but also in the comprehensive counselling including structured aftercare, which also includes certified nutritional counselling.
Reflux Centre
Reflux disease, often called heartburn, is on the rise within the German population. It is caused by the reflux of stomach acid and stomach contents into the oesophagus.
This leads to a variety of symptoms such as heartburn, a feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen, irritation in the nasopharynx, chronic coughing, night awakenings and more. Patients often complain of a significantly reduced quality of life. Many attempts at lifestyle adjustment are often unsuccessful.
Current guidelines recommend surgery as superior to drug therapy, especially in patients with a longer history of reflux disease.
At the Reflux Centre Wiesbaden, all diagnostic options are available with manometry, pH-metry and Bravo capsule pH-metry. There is also close cooperation with the Gastroenterology Department of Prof. Dr. Andrea May, which is known far beyond the region, for patients with Barrett's metaplasia and in need of therapy.
Prof. Hoffmann is a much sought-after guest surgeon at international congresses and, due to his extensive experience, can offer all currently available treatment options for reflux disease (fundoplication, LINX magnetic ring system, RefluxStop) with many years of expertise. This involves comprehensive care and counselling of the patients and customized therapy.
State-of-the-art diagnostics, innovative surgical procedures, plus empathetic all-round care that takes all people's concerns and needs into account – Prof. Dr. med. Martin Hoffmann and his team at the long-established "APK" in the Hessian capital are exactly the right people to talk to when it comes to diseases in the abdominal cavity or chronic obesity.

Prof. Dr. med. Martin Hoffmann
Specialist for bariatric surgery, reflux surgery, bowel surgery, and bowel cancer in Wiesbaden
Geisenheimer Straße 1065197 Wiesbaden
+49 611 95249051
(Landline at local rates)

+49 611 95249051
(Landline at local rates)
- Obesity
- Inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, incisional hernia (hernia)
- Peritoneum
- Pancreas
- Colon, rectum and rectal cancer
- Intestinal diseases (benign and inflammatory)
- Gall bladder
- Hernias
- Heartburn (gastroesophageal reflux)
- Liver
- Oesophagus and stomach
- Thyroid and parathyroid surgery
- Thoracic surgery
Admission criteria
Bariatric surgery
Laparoscopic gastric bypass | over 200 |
Gastric sleeve surgery | over 150 |
Dieting - weight reduction methods | over 1000 |
Gastric balloon | over 50 |
Gastric bypass | over 200 |
Gastric reduction | over 150 |
Endobarrier | over 0 |
Gastric band | over 50 |
Gastric plication | over 0 |
Gastric pacemaker | over 25 |
Biliopancreatic diversion | over 40 |
Roux-en-Y gastric bypass | over 200 |
Omega loop bypass | over 200 |
At least 10 years of surgical and treatment experience | yes |
Expertise in modern diagnostic and surgical procedures | yes |
An outstanding treatment focus within your own specialist area | yes |
Member of a leading national professional association | yes |
Leading professional position | yes |
Active participation in specialist events (e.g. lectures) | yes |
Active in research and teachin | yes |
Evaluated quality management (e.g. certification) | yes |
Intestinal surgery
Ulcerative colitis surgery | over 25 |
Bowel resection | over 400 |
Colorectal surgery | over 400 |
Rectal surgery | over 100 |
Palliative care for colon cancer | over 150 |
Colon cancer surgeries | over 200 |
Colon surgery | over 400 |
Artificial anus | over 50 |
Minimal invasive intestinal surgery | over 400 |
Medical spectrum
- Adhesions
- Appendicitis
- Basedow's / Grave's disease
- Cancer of the large intestine
- Cancer of the pancreas / Pancreatic cancer
- Cholesystitis
- Colonic cancer
- Crohn’s disease
- Diverticulitis
- Diverticulum / Diverticula
- Duodenal ulcer
- Esophageal cancer
- Esophageal disorder
- Gastric / Peptic ulcer
- Gastric cancer
- Gastric tumor benign
- Goiter
- Heartburn
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Hypothyroidism
- Incisional hernia
- Inguinal hernia
- Intestinal polyps
- Liver cancer
- Liver metastases
- Mast colon cancer
- Obesity
- Pancreatic diseases
- Paralytic ileus
- Perforations of the gastrointestinal tract
- Peritoneal cancer
- Problems after previous surgeries
- Rectal cancer
- Reflux disease
- Richter's hernia
- Thyroid autonomy
- Thyroid cancer
- Ulcerative colitis
- Umbilical hernia
- Artificial anus
- Biliopancreatic diversion
- Colorectal surgery
- Dieting - weight reduction methods
- EndoBarrier
- Endocrine surgery
- Esophageal surgery
- Gastric balloon
- Gastric band
- Gastric bypass
- Gastric cancer surgery
- Gastric pacemaker
- Gastric plication
- Gastric sleeve surgery
- Incisional hernia surgery
- Inguinal hernia operation
- Inguinal hernia surgery minimally invasive and open (TEP/TAPP/Lichtenstein)
- Intestinal cancer surgery
- Intestinal resection
- Laparocopic gastric bypass
- Large intestine surgery
- LINX surgery
- Mini-Gastric Bypass
- Minimal invasive biliary surgery
- Minimal invasive esophageal surgery
- Minimal invasive gastric surgery
- Minimal invasive hernia surgery
- Minimal invasive intestinal / colorectal surgery
- Minimal invasive pancreatic surgery
- Minimally invasive and open incisional hernia surgery (MILOS)
- Omega-Loop-Bypass
- Palliative care in colonic carcinoma
- Pancreatic cancer surgery
- Pancreatic surgery
- Pelvic floor surgery for prolapse and incontinence
- Rectal surgery
- Rectal surgery
- Redo/revision surgery after bariatric surgery
- Redo/revision surgery after reflux surgery
- Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
- Sleeve gastrectomy
- Surgery to the parathyroid glands
- Thoracic stomach surgery
- Thoracic surgery
- Thyroid surgery
- Ulcerative colitis surgery
- Umbilical hernia surgery
- Umbilical hernia surgery minimally invasive and open
- Vagotomy
Plus Code: 9F2C36CG+MQ
Asklepios Paulinen Klinik Wiesbaden
Geisenheimer Straße 10
65197 Wiesbaden
Call now: +49 611 95249051
Landline at local rates