Up to 20 percent of all people occasionally complain of heartburn. If these symptoms occur more frequently or if an organ complication is to be expected, this is referred to as reflux disease. It occurs when stomach acid repeatedly enters the oesophagus and causes irritation.
Heartburn is the main symptom of reflux disease. Other symptoms are
Complications of chronic reflux disease are
Reflux disease is usually diagnosed using high-resolution gastroscopy (gastroscopy). The doctor examines the inside of the oesophagus and stomach and looks for damage to the mucous membrane. In many patients, it is also necessary to take samples from the stomach.
If the gastroscopy does not provide any clear indications, a pH measurement can also be carried out (NERD).
By means of pH-metry, it can be determined whether an environment is more acidic or alkaline © drewsdesign | AdobeStock
Two different systems are available for this measurement.
Long-term pH measurement using a catheter
The older and proven method of long-term pH measurement requires a catheter. The doctor places the catheter through the nose into the esophagus. It remains there for 24 hours and takes various measurements over this period.
The advantages of this method are its wide availability and low cost.
For many patients, however, wearing the catheter is stressful. They are unable to go about their normal daily routine. However, this is precisely what is important in order to obtain objective results.
Long-term pH measurement using the catheter-free Bravo System®
Alternatively, a catheter-free Bravo System® has been used for several years. In this examination, a small pH probe is fixed in the lower oesophagus .
It measures the acid values over two to four days and sends them to a decoder that the patient wears on their body. During the examination, the patient records all significant events, such as
- Meals,
- lying times,
- heartburn,
- burping etc.
in a log. The measurement results are then analyzed on the computer.
Most patients do not notice anything about this form of long-term pH measurement. Only a few patients report a foreign body sensation. Serious side effects are extremely rare.
A few days after the measurement, the capsule detaches itself from the wall of the oesophagus and travels through the stomach and intestines to the outside.
The patient should have fasted and discontinued acid-inhibiting and motility-inhibiting drugs in good time:
- at least five days before: proton pump inhibitors,
- two days before: histamine H2 receptor antagonists, pirenzepine, calcium antagonists, nitrates, benzodiazepines, opiates, prokinetics.
Exceptions are possible if you are taking these medications permanently or if pH measurement is planned to monitor the success of the therapy.
With the evaluation software of all manufacturers
- the total number of reflux episodes (episodes with pH<4),
- the number of reflux episodes with a duration > 5 min,
- the duration of the longest reflux episode,
- the total time with pH < 4 and
- the percentage of time with a pH < 4 in the total measurement time
can be determined. These parameters are calculated for the entire measurement period and for the periods spent in an upright and supine body position.
In addition, an assessment can be made using certain scores, such as the Demeester score. The doctor explains the results to the patient and gives treatment recommendations if necessary.