Prof. - Thomas Boemers - Pediatric Surgery -

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Boemers

Specialist for Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric urology in Cologne

Amsterdamer Straße 59
50735 Cologne
+49 221 46704135 (Landline at local rates)
Prof. - Thomas Boemers - Pediatric Surgery -
Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Boemers Specialist for Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric urology in Cologne
+49 221 46704135 (Landline at local rates)
Prof. Boemers not only heads the largest department of pediatric surgery in Germany, he is a very exceptional specialist in every respect, who convinces both professionally and personally. His expertise is also impressive in urology and in the treatment of burn injuries of young patients.


  • Gastric transposition (Esophageal replacement)
  • Laryngeal and tracheal reconstruction
  • Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) - Urogenital mobilisation (TUM)
  • Transanal pull-through (TERPT)
  • Genital reconstruction
  • Reconstructive hand surgery

About us Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Boemers

The Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology at the Children’s Hospital Cologne Amsterdamer Strasse is headed by director Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas M. Boemers. With 80 beds, the department is the largest department of pediatric surgery in Germany. More than 5,000 interventions are performed here under general anesthesia per year.

In addition to the beds on the normal ward, the department is also equipped with 4 beds for severely burnt children and a surgical ward (intermediate care) with 15 beds.

At the department, children and adolescents with clinical pictures in both pediatric surgery and pediatric urology are treated. Focus areas are the surgical treatment of congenital malformations, surgical diseases in premature babies and newborns, solid tumors, injuries and general surgical clinical pictures in childhood.

National clinical focus areas are in complex malformations of the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system as well as deformities of the hand.

Our high experience in the area of pediatric urology, reconstructive surgery in genital malformations, disorders of sexual differentiation and the treatment of children with complex malformations of the continence organs (bladder exstrophy, anal astresia, cloaca malformation) needs to be mentioned specifically. Not only children with complex malformations of the continence organs from all over Germany, but also children from abroad are brought to the Children’s Hospital Cologne for treatment.

An additional international focus area is the treatment of children with esophageal atresia, disorders of the esophagus and the trachea in cooperation with pediatric anesthetists and ENT specialists.

Diagnostic Services
  • Manometry
  • Impedance measurement
  • Urodynamics
Therapeutic Services

The Department of Pediatric Surgery and Pediatric Urology at the Children’s Hospital Amsterdamer Strasse in Cologne offers the complete spectrum of diagnostics and treatment for children and adolescents suffering from surgical and urological diseases.

Our focus areas are:

  • Surgical diseases in children
  • Urological diseases in children
  • Gynecological diseases in children
  • Malformations of the lungs and the thoracic cavity (thoracic surgery)
  • Diseases of the larynx and the trachea (laryngotracheal stenoses, tracheomalacia)
  • Esophageal atresia
  • Esophageal stenosis
  • Malformations of the gastro-intestinal system
  • Anal atresia
  • Hirschsprung’s disease
  • Persistent cloaca
  • Malformations of the urogenital system
  • Bladder exstrophy – epispadias
  • Urogenital sinus
  • Neurogenic bladder
  • Tumor surgery (Wilms’ tumor, neuroblastoma, germ cell tumors)
  • Malformations of the hands and feet
  • Vascular malformations (hemangioma)
  • Plastic surgery in infancy
  • Laser therapy - dermabrasion

Special Offers / Arrangements / Rooms

  • Rooming in
  • Ronald McDonald House (hotel for parents)
  • VIP rooms
  • Case management
  • Continence therapist
  • Nutrition counseling
  • Various languages of our physicians (English, Dutch, French, Greek, Turkish, Arabic, Albanian)


Plus Code: 9F28XX79+99

Kliniken der Stadt Koeln LLC – Children‘s Hospital Cologne Amsterdamer Strasse

Amsterdamer Straße 59
50735 Cologne

Call now: +49 221 46704135
Landline at local rates

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