Pediatric trauma surgery - specialists and information

A child is still growing and therefore receives different trauma surgery treatment than an adult patient. A child-friendly approach after accidents or burns is just as important as expertise in this area.

Below you will find further information and specialists in pediatric trauma surgery.

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Pediatric accident surgery - Further information

What is pediatric trauma surgery?

Pediatric trauma surgery (pediatric traumatology) is part of the specialist field of pediatric surgery and trauma surgery. There is also a close connection to pediatrics (paediatrics).

Pediatric trauma surgery deals with injuries and accidents in children and their consequences.

The treatment of children is often different from that of adult patients. As children are still growing, they require a different approach from an orthopaedic point of view. The types of injury also differ and require their own treatment concept.

Treatment spectrum of pediatric trauma surgery

For the healing and recovery of your child, it is important to pay attention to the growth of the skeleton. In the event of a bone fracture, for example, the growth plates of the bones play a decisive role. Your child's growth plates can correct or complicate treatment.

Pediatric trauma surgery treats the same areas of the body as adults after accidents. The aim of the treatment is to enable the child to move again as quickly as possible.

The spectrum of pediatric traumatology includes the following areas:

  • Skeletal injuries to the upper extremities (arms, hands, shoulder girdle)
  • Skeletal injuries of the lower extremities (legs)
  • Injuries to the spine
  • Injuries to the skin (burns)
  • Injury to several regions and/or organ systems(polytrauma)
Knochenbruch bei KindernBone fractures in children heal much faster than in adults @ Valerii Apetroaiei /AdobeStock

    Examination methods and diagnosis

    Children who have had an accident often need an X-ray examination. This is how the doctor finds out whether there are fractures (breaks) in the bones. In this case, the doctor uses an X-ray procedure with a significantly lower radiation dose. The level of radiation dose is specified in medical guidelines.

    The most common diagnoses in pediatric trauma surgery include

    • Distal radius fracture: these are radial fractures close to the wrist, which doctors often treat conservatively (without surgery).
    • The shaft fracture: This is a very common diagnosis in children. This fracture of the forearm and lower leg usually requires stabilization with special nails.
    • Multiple injuries or polytrauma: Interdisciplinary cooperation with pediatric intensive care medicine is necessary here.

    Treatment methods in pediatric trauma surgery

    The treatment of your child depends on the injury:

    • In the case of a bone fracture, the doctor often dispenses with surgery, as the growing skeleton can correct the fracture itself.
    • If, on the other hand, surgical treatment of the fracture is necessary, your doctor will use special materials. These include special nails, wires and screws for fixation.
    • Children with the most severe injuries(burns) receive special wound management. The children remain hospitalized in a burn unit for some time. Some clinics offer a separate therapeutic department for children in order to ensure child-friendly care.

    Basically, the treatment of acute injuries in children depends on the physical development of the child. Ideally, clinics have their own pediatric wards.

    Pediatric wards have extensive experience with children's anatomy on the one hand and experience with the psychological needs of your child on the other. Cooperation with parents is a central component of an inpatient stay.

    On children's wards, for example, parents have the opportunity to stay overnight with their child. The doctor involves the father and mother in all issues. These criteria are extremely important for your child's recovery.

    Specialists in pediatric trauma surgery

    There is currently no separate specialist training for pediatric traumatology (pediatric trauma surgery). The experts in the field of pediatric trauma surgery come from different specialties:

    There are no separate training regulations that deal exclusively with pediatric trauma surgery. The basics can be found in the areas of trauma surgery and pediatric surgery.

    Numerous larger clinics, especially university hospitals, have their own departments for pediatric traumatology. The same applies to surgical practices that specialize in paediatric traumatology.

    The interdisciplinary collaboration of experts working in the field of pediatric trauma surgery includes

    • Specialists in pediatrics (pediatricians)
    • Specialists in anesthesia (anesthesiologists)

    Depending on the injury in question, other specialties may be involved if necessary.


    Childhood accidents require special treatment. Children have specific needs depending on their mental and physical stage of development. The aim of treatment is to provide child-friendly care that supports the individual growth phases.

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