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There are many topics related to medicine. Whether it's about astonishing results of new research, the latest knowledge and expert tips on health issues - we have collected many reports, interviews and features for you here.
You can also read about which doctors or clinics have received which awards. And those affected also have their say: in vivid stories, people talk about how they deal with chronic illnesses, what they have done to heal themselves or how diagnoses become declarations of war on diseases. Start browsing!
Expert interviews
Spinal surgery in old age - exercise instead of surgery? Expert interview with Dr. med. Bernhard Kügelgen
Dr. Bernhard Kügelgen is an outstanding specialist in pain medicine and the head physician of the Koblenz therapy center as well as...
Expert interviews
Ocular prosthetics - treatment with prostheses made of glass: Expert interview with Prof. Heindl
Prof. Dr. Dr. Ludwig M. Heindl is a world-renowned specialist in eyelid/orbita/lachrymal duct/tumor surgery and general ophthalmology, working...
Expert interviews
Modern therapies for lung cancer: Expert interview with Prof. Thomas
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Thomas is an outstanding personality in the field of thoracic oncology and enjoys an excellent reputation both nationally...
Expert interviews
Opportunities in bariatric surgery: Expert interview with Dr. med. Plamen Staikov
Dr. med. Plamen Staikov is a highly respected specialist in surgery and visceral surgery and head physician at Sachsenhausen Hospital in...
Expert interviews
Dental implants, aligners (invisible braces) & CEREC (Ceramic Reconstruction): Expert interview with Dr. Philipp Kaiser, MMSc LLM
Dr. Philipp Kaiser, MMSc LLM, is a specialized dentist with a focus on aesthetic dentistry, implantology and invisible tooth adjustments....
Expert interviews
Cholangiocellular carcinoma: Expert interview with primary physician Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Gruenberger
Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Gruenberger is a renowned specialist in liver, pancreatic and biliary tract surgery and is one of the leading specialists...