Sonography (ultrasound examination): Information & specialists

Ultrasound examination (sonography) is a fast and effective medical imaging procedure. It has no side effects and is inexpensive to perform. It is therefore one of the most common examination methods.

Here you will find further information as well as selected sonography specialists and centers.

Article overview

What is sonography?

Sonography is an examination based on reflected sound waves .

The doctor uses a transducer to produce a sonogram. He presses this against the patient's skin. The transducer then sends ultrasound waves into the tissue. The structure of the tissue reflects these waves in different ways. The ultrasound device records the returned ultrasound waves and converts them into electrical impulses. The computer calculates an image from this.

The doctor can see this image in real time on a monitor. This often allows the findings to be explained directly on the monitor.

Sonography has been continuously improved over the years. For example, it is now possible to produce three-dimensional echograms. Even four-dimensional imaging in real time is now possible.

Another reason why sonography is so popular is that the examination is completely painless and has no side effects.

When is sonography used?

Common areas of application for an ultrasound examination are

Breast sonography, as a preliminary stage of mammography, is also a form of ultrasound examination.

One of the best-known applications of ultrasound is pregnancy. Ultrasound can be used to visualize the baby in the womb. This enables the doctor to detect any malformations.

Ultraschalluntersuchung des Bauches
Some abdominal organs can be visualized very well using ultrasound © familylifestyle | AdobeStock

An ultrasound is also used as part of the normal gynecological check-up. However, this may involve the use of a special probe with a transducer, which is then inserted.

Ultrasound is also used for certain examinations in men's urology. The same applies to sports medicine. If an athlete suffers a muscular injury, for example, bleeding and damaged structures can often be visualized using sonography. If there is a torn muscle fiber, for example, a trained physician can detect it using ultrasound.

In principle, some body regions and organs are better suited to sonography than others:

In contrast

are not well suited for ultrasound imaging.

Modern ultrasound methods now also enable good diagnostics in terms of fracture progression in the area of the bones.

Which doctor performs sonography?

Basically, any doctor can perform an ultrasound examination. There are no uniform standards that have to be met. In this country, there are various training courses and advanced training to improve these skills. In other countries, specially trained doctors deal with sonography.

For patients in Germany, it makes sense to look for a doctor who is absolutely confident in this field. Not only the correct examination, but also the correct interpretation of the ultrasound image must be guaranteed for the best possible treatment.

Gynecologists and urologists perform sonograms as standard.

What are the risks of a sonography?

Basically, there are no risks. The examination is painless and non-invasive. An X-ray examination, for example, is much more stressful for the body.

However, pregnant women in particular are often unsure. However, experts have repeatedly confirmed that the examinations are not harmful to either the mother or the unborn child.

A rise in temperature due to the sound waves has also not been observed in numerous examinations. This would only occur by a few degrees if a Doppler examination were to be carried out for several minutes. However, this form of examination is only used when the blood vessels and heart of the unborn child are being examined. In addition, this examination only takes a few seconds, so there is no danger here either.

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