Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and, like ulcerative colitis, is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. It is also known as Crohn's enteritis regionalis, enteritis terminalis, ileitis terminalis or scarring enteritis. The disease usually progresses in episodes and is not contagious.
The entire gastrointestinal tract, i.e. from the mouth to the anus, can be affected by Crohn's disease. However, the disease usually manifests itself in the area of the lowest section of the small intestine, at the transition to the large intestine.
This is where
- fistulas,
- constrictions and
- ulcers in all layers of the intestinal wall.
In contrast, ulcerative colitis only occurs in the large intestine and only affects the surface of the intestinal mucosa. In Crohn's disease, deeper layers of the intestinal wall can also be affected by the inflammation.
A distinction is made, for example, depending on the affected section:
- Crohn's disease with ileocecal involvement: the last section of the small intestine and cecum are inflamed
- Crohn's colitis: all or part of the large intestine is inflamed
Crohn's disease in figures
Crohn's disease is one of the most common chronic inflammatory bowel diseases:
- For every 100,000 inhabitants, around 120 to 200 suffer from Crohn's disease.
- Every year, between 5.2 and 8.6 people per 100,000 inhabitants in Central Europe are newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease.
- In Germany, around 5 people per 100,000 inhabitants are newly diagnosed with Crohn's disease every year.
- In principle, the disease can occur at any age. However, young adults between the ages of 15 and 35 are most frequently affected by Crohn's disease. In around 15 to 25 percent of all sufferers, the first symptoms appear before the age of 20, sometimes even as early as infancy.
- The activity of the disease often decreases in old age.
- Crohn's disease occurs with roughly the same frequency in women and men.
Comparison of the effects of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease © bilderzwerg | AdobeStock
The causes of Crohn's disease are not exactly known. However, due to the familial clustering, it is assumed that there is a hereditary predisposition. If a close relative already has Crohn's disease, the other family members have a tenfold increased risk.
In addition, disorders of the immune system are discussed, which lead to pathological interactions with the intestinal wall and thus to inflammation.
Environmental factors also appear to play a role in the development of Crohn's disease. For example, smokers and people from industrialized nations have a higher risk.
Althoughpsychological factors (e.g. psychological strain, stress) have no influence on the development of Crohn's disease, they do have an impact on its progression. Diet, on the other hand, is not responsible for either the onset or the flare-ups.
Crohn's disease is typically characterized by
- cramp-like abdominal pain, usually in the right lower abdomen and
- watery, sometimes mucousy diarrhea that lasts for several weeks and rarely contains blood.
This is usually accompanied by a lack of appetite and weight loss. The symptoms are similar to those of ulcerative colitis.
The exact symptoms depend, among other things, on which part of the digestive system is affected by the inflammation. Some sufferers only experience mild symptoms, while others experience severe symptoms.
In addition, the symptoms can be unspecific, especially at the beginning of the disease. In children, Crohn's disease can also manifest itself in slower growth and a later onset of sexual maturity.
As inflammation can also occur outside the intestine, so-called extraintestinal manifestations can also occur. These include
- Pain in the knee or ankle joint
- inflammatory skin changes
- chronic tiredness (fatigue syndrome)
Crohn's disease has a chronic and intermittent course, in which the disease activity increases and decreases again. Depending on the severity of the inflammation, an acute attack of Crohn's disease is therefore classified as mild, moderate or severe.
Crohn's disease can affect only a single section or several areas of the digestive tract at the same time. The following sections are most frequently affected:
- lower section of the small intestine (terminal ileum): around 30 percent of cases
- Transition from the small intestine to the large intestine (ileocolon): around 40 percent of cases
- Large intestine and anal canal: around 25 percent of cases
- Other sections: around 5 percent of cases
Although Crohn's disease is a long-term illness, the life expectancy of patients is hardly affected. The majority of patients can lead a largely normal life.
The following video shows the findings of a colonoscopy (colonoscopy):
Depending on the extent and duration of the disease, complications can occur. However, this is rarely the case. The occurrence of a complication can often be an indication for Crohn's disease surgery.
The most important complications of Crohn's disease occur in the intestinal area:
- Narrowing (stenosis)
- Intestinal obstruction: depending on the cause, Crohn's disease surgery may be necessary
- Intestinal rupture (perforation): life-threatening complication that requires immediate Crohn's disease surgery
- Fistulas (connecting passages, usually between sections of bowel or between bowel and skin)
- Fissures (tears, usually in the anus and anal canal)
- Abscesses (accumulations of pus, especially in the anal area)
- Conglomerate tumor (inflamed intestinal loops stuck together)
- Malabsorption syndrome (lack of nutrients)
- Intestinal bleeding: If it is no longer possible to compensate for the blood loss with blood transfusions, Crohn's disease surgery is necessary.
The most important complications of Crohn's disease outside the intestine are
The diagnosis usually begins with questioning the patient(medical history) about
- complaints
- medical history
- family history
This is followed by physical and other examinations.
During the physical examination, the abdomen is palpated. The doctor will look for pressure pain in the lower right abdomen and indurations. The anus is examined for fistulas and fissures.
Blood test: Certain changes can be detected in the blood count. Often there is
- anemia (anemia),
- the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the leukocyte count are often elevated,
- an elevated CRP value indicates an acute inflammatory process and
- Folic acid, vitamin D and vitamin B12 may be reduced.
Some blood values can indicate Crohn's disease © Henrik Dolle | AdobeStock
In addition to a visual assessment of the bowel, acolonoscopy allows tissue samples to be taken from the mucous membrane to confirm the diagnosis.
An ultrasound examination (sonography) can be used to check whether the intestinal wall is thickened.
Gastroscopy and other imaging procedures such as magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) may also be necessary.
As the causes for the development of Crohn's disease are not known, the disease cannot be cured. Therefore, the treatment of Crohn's disease primarily aims to
- to stop the inflammatory process,
- alleviate the symptoms and
- reduce the risk of complications.
Depending on the severity and course of the disease, various options are available for the treatment of Crohn's disease:
- During an acute flare-up, drug therapy (e.g. cortisone or special anti-inflammatory drugs) is used. In the case of repeated episodes, long-term medication may also be necessary.
- Change of diet for children and underweight patients or intake of important nutrients if there is a nutrient deficiency.
- Surgical treatment(Crohn's disease surgery) is necessary in the event of complications such as fistulas or intestinal obstruction or if drug treatment does not respond.
Surgical treatment of Crohn's disease
Crohn's disease surgery is an important treatment option for Crohn's disease patients, as the following figures show:
- 80 percent of Crohn's disease patients undergo their first Crohn's disease surgery about 10 years after the onset of the disease.
- Around 90 percent of Crohn's disease patients have to undergo Crohn's disease surgery at least once in their lifetime.
The most important reasons for Crohn's disease surgery are
- Intestinal obstruction (ileus),
- a perforation of the intestine (perforation) or
- severe bleeding.
A Crohn's disease operation at the right time can prevent complaints and complications.
During surgery, as little small bowel as possible is removed, as recurrence can occur despite resection (removal).
Aim of Crohn's disease surgery
Two types of Crohn's disease surgery can be distinguished:
- Emergency Crohn's disease surgery is required for conditions that may be life-threatening. These include, for example, stenosis (narrowing of the intestine) and intestinal obstruction (ileus), peritonitis and perforation of the intestine.
- Elective Crohn's disease operations are part of an individual treatment concept and can be planned for the long term. Elective Crohn's disease operations account for the vast majority of all operations for Crohn's disease.
Indications for Crohn's disease surgery
Surgery cannot cure the disease. Even after Crohn's disease surgery, there is a risk of relapse (recurrence). The pros and cons of surgery for Crohn's disease must therefore be clarified on an individual basis.
In principle, however, the following indications for Crohn's disease surgery exist:
- Therapy-refractory Crohn's disease (drug treatment does not respond adequately): elective indication
- Incomplete/chronic bowel obstruction that cannot be treated: elective indication
- Complete bowel obstruction: emergency indication
- Diagnosed precancerous lesions (low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia): elective indication
- Toxic megacolon (dilatation of the colon with damaging accumulations of intestinal contents): urgent indication
- Perforation (intestinal rupture): emergency indication
- Severe intestinal bleeding: urgent indication
- Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum): emergency indication
In the following cases, Crohn's disease surgery should be postponed for as long as possible:
- In the presence of abscesses
- In the presence of fistulas
- In the presence of conglomerate tumors
Diagnostics before surgery for Crohn's disease
If Crohn's disease surgery is planned, the following in particular are carried out in advance
- a colonoscopy,
- sonographic and radiological assessment of the small intestine and
- the determination of some laboratory values.
The diagnostics should answer the following questions before surgery for Crohn's disease:
- Is it really Crohn's disease (or perhaps ulcerative colitis or another chronic inflammatory bowel disease after all)?
- What is the pattern of infection and how has the disease spread?
- Is there a typical indication for Crohn's disease surgery?
A colonoscopy is one of the important diagnostic examinations prior to Crohn's disease surgery © phonlamaiphoto | AdobeStock
Procedure for Crohn's disease surgery
The most common procedures for Crohn's disease surgery are
- bowel resection (removal of parts of the bowel),
- removal of fistulas and
- drainage of abscesses.
Crohn's disease surgery is only performed on the affected section of bowel. Radical Crohn's disease operations, i.e. removal of large sections of bowel, have proven to be disadvantageous and are therefore avoided. Surgery is only performed on an inflamed area if it is causing symptoms.
Occasionally, scars or adhesions can cause constrictions (stenoses) in the bowel. This prevents the intestinal contents from being transported. It is then necessary to remove the affected section of bowel.
Crohn's disease surgery for stenosis consists of the sparing removal of the narrowed segment of bowel. In the case of short narrowings (strictures), plastic dilation is sometimes sufficient without having to remove the intestinal tissue itself. By restoring the unrestricted passage of stool (stricturoplasty), the inflammation heals and the patient is free of symptoms.
Fistulas from the bowel to the bladder (enterovesical fistulas) and fistulas that end blindly in the posterior abdominal cavity can be dangerous. This can affect other organs (e.g. the urogenital tract) or lead to dangerous accumulations of pus in the body (abscesses). The fistula usually heals quickly after removal of the diseased bowel sections.
An abscess can either be punctured or the fluid can be drained via a drainage tube.
Emergency surgery for Crohn's disease
Fortunately, real emergencies are rare in Crohn's surgery. The figures are just under 5 percent of all surgical procedures.
Emergency indications are
- intestinal rupture (due to severe inflammation or after colonoscopy),
- severe intestinal bleeding,
- acute severe inflammation and
- sudden total intestinal obstruction (ileus).
In all these situations, immediate action must always be taken and the results are somewhat worse than with planned Crohn's disease operations. However, emergency operations should be the exception in good medical care for Crohn's patients!
A specialist in visceral surgery or a specialist in general surgery is responsible for surgery for Crohn's disease.