The health check-up for the early detection of diseases is also called a health check-up, check-up examination, check-up 35 or just check-up. It is a preventive examination consisting of various tests.
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Check-up examination (health check-up)
The health check-up consists of
- Taking a medical history
- A physical examination with blood pressure measurement
- Examination of the urine for blood, protein and glucose (sugar) as well as the determination of cholesterol and glucose in the blood
After the examinations, a final discussion takes place between the patient and doctor. The doctor informs the patient of the results. He also makes recommendations for further examinations.
During the medical history interview, the doctor learns about the patient's medical history and can obtain important additional information by asking specific questions @ Robert Kneschke /AdobeStock
The aim of the check-up is the early detection of common diseases, which doctors can identify and treat at an early stage.
These include
- Cardiovascular
- kidney disease and
- diabetes
The basic check-up is recommended every two years for women and men from the age of 36.
The costs for the health check-up are covered by the health insurance companies as part of the statutory early detection and preventive examinations.
The following doctors carry out the health check-up:
- General practitioners
- General practitioners and
- internists