Double chin: information & double chin specialists

Leading Medicine Guide Editors
Leading Medicine Guide Editors

A double chin is an anatomical abnormality in which there is a visible deformation of the tissue below the chin. Many people perceive a double chin as a flaw. However, there are ways to get rid of a double chin.

Here you can find more information and specialists who specialize in removing a double chin.

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Article overview

The face has a major influence on a person's overall appearance. Most people's first glance goes over the shoulders to the eyes. For this reason, the shape of the chin has an enormous influence on the perception of a person's attractiveness. This is why a double chin is perceived as very unpleasant.

A double chin is a flap of skin under the chin that looks like a second chin. They are caused by an increasing sagging of the skin in the chin area and the formation of puffiness.

A fold of skin forms between the actual chin and the double chin. It can sometimes sweat profusely and is therefore easily irritated. For this reason, those affected not only perceive a pronounced double chin as a psychological burden.

Thanks to modern aesthetic surgery, however, the double chin can be effectively removed.

How does a double chin develop?

Basically, a double chin is excess tissue below the chin. In addition to an above-average accumulation of fat, excess skin tissue is also necessary for the formation of a double chin.

Excess skin tissue is usually caused by the natural ageing process or severe weight loss. In most cases, however, excess fatty tissue is caused by an unhealthy diet.

In over 90% of all cases, severe obesity is the cause of a double chin. A steady increase in weight without muscle development causes fatty tissue to accumulate all over the body. As a result, a so-called "fat fold" gradually forms on the chin.

Due to the subsequent stretching of the skin and the associated formation of skin tissue, the double chin becomes increasingly noticeable. It is usually accompanied by a strong neck and a round, stocky face.

A double chin is usually caused by excess skin and fatty tissue © aldarinho | AdobeStock

In addition to morbid obesity, a genetic disposition can also cause a double chin. If slim people suffer from a double chin, the cause is genetic. Basically, this is a genetic defect that causes an excessive storage of fat under the chin.

If a parent has a double chin despite having a slim figure, there is a very high probability that a child will also inherit a genetic double chin.

Finally, a double chin can also develop with advancing age. With age, the elasticity of the tissue decreases and it sags.

Other possible causes of a double chin are

  • Excessive drug use,
  • the use of tobacco and
  • significant weight loss over the course of a lifetime.

What can be done about a double chin?

Minor manifestations of this condition can be visibly reduced by strict weight loss. However, a very pronounced double chin must be surgically removed.

What procedures are available to remove a double chin?

The removal of a double chin is usually only offered by plastic surgeons.

Aesthetic medicine basically recognizes three different procedures for the effective treatment of a double chin. As a rule, however, at least two of the three procedures must be used to completely remove the double chin.

The first procedure is standard liposuction in the area under the chin. The fat is suctioned out of the face and neck through several small incisions behind the earlobes. This minor procedure usually delivers promising results. The fine cannulas penetrate under the skin to the affected area and remove the stored fat without leaving any residue.

Alternatively, a fat-away injection can also be used to remove the excess fat. This is a special solution that removes the fat through a natural dissolving process via the lymph. The procedure with this injection is both gentle and scar-free.

After fat reduction, the excess skin must always be tightened. The attending physician therefore makes a small incision under the chin and carefully removes the excess skin.

This creates a smoothing effect. As a rule, the double chin disappears completely as a result.

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