Facial rejuvenation: specialists and information

Eyelid correction, wrinkle treatment and hair transplantation: more and more women and men are fulfilling their desire for a fresh and younger appearance with an aesthetic procedure. Below you can find out more about the most common procedures for facial rejuvenation as well as the procedure, the effect and the healing process of each procedure.

You will also find selected specialists for facial rejuvenation here.

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Facial rejuvenation - Further information

Minor procedures for natural attractiveness

Sufficient sleep, exercise, a healthy diet and fresh air help to maintain a fresh appearance. However, not all age-related changes to the face can be corrected through a healthy lifestyle.

Aesthetic plastic procedures can smooth wrinkles and tighten facial features, among other things, and thus improve your appearance in the long term.


© master1305 | AdobeStock

Overview of the most popular facial rejuvenation procedures

Women are still more open to aesthetic operations and treatments than men. According to an estimate by the Association of German Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, 50 percent of aesthetic surgical procedures performed on women are in the facial area.

The most common aesthetic procedures for women are

  1. Wrinkle treatment using botulinum toxin,
  2. eyelid correction,
  3. Lifting(facelift/foreheadlift).

However, the number of men taking advantage of aesthetic plastic surgery is also increasing. Around 15 percent of all cosmetic surgery procedures are now performed on men, of which around 75 percent are on the face.

Men often have the following procedures performed:

  1. Eyelid correction,
  2. hair transplantation,
  3. Lifting (facelift/forehead lift).

Wrinkle treatment using botulinum toxin

One of the best-known forms of facial rejuvenation is targeted treatment with botulinum toxin. Botox treatment is mainly used to smooth expression lines in the forehead and eye area. A small amount of the substance is injected directly into the muscles of the affected area, thus reducing the activity of the treated facial area.

The effect is not immediately visible, but takes a few days to appear.

After the procedure, in individual cases theremay be slight

  • swelling,
  • redness and
  • bruising

may occur. In order not to jeopardize the result, Botox patients should not exercise for at least four hours after the treatment. You should also keep your head in an upright position. It is possible to return to work immediately after the treatment.

In order to maintain the results achieved, the injection must be repeated every four to six months, with longer treatment intervals.

Anti-wrinkle injections are one of the most popular facial rejuvenation procedures © Jacob Lund | AdobeStock

Eyelid correction

An eyelid correction, also known as blepharoplasty,

  • tightens sagging eyelids,
  • reduces wrinkles around the eyes and
  • corrects bags under the eyes.

After the operation, the eyelid area appears smoothed, but natural laugh lines remain. Excess skin and fat deposits are removed from the upper and/or lower eyelids. The skin and muscles around the eye are tightened.

Swelling occursafter the procedure, which usually subsides after two days. Any bruising is invisible after about a week.

The stitches are usually removed one week after the procedure. Patients are then fit for work again.


The facelift is a "classic" among cosmetic operations. It can rejuvenate the appearance by up to ten years and provides a fresh facial expression. The lift is often a combination of tightening the temples, cheeks and neck.

In a facelift, the incision is made behind the hairline. In this way, the tissue under the skin and thus the sagging facial muscles can be tightened.

Depending on the findings, the operation takes two to three hours and is performed under general anesthesia or in twilight sleep.

Many patients experience a feeling of tensionafter the operation. Swelling and bruising can also be expected. Most patients return to work ten days after the procedure.

Hair transplantation

Many men suffer from hereditary hair loss. This initially results in a receding hairline and often all the hair on the top of the head is gradually lost. Many of those affected wish to regain their former full head of hair. Hair transplantation offers one option: intact hair roots are removed from the full head of hair at the back of the head and transplanted to the balding areas.

There are various methods, such as the flap, point or strip technique. The treating doctor decides which technique is best for the patient. After the procedure, which takes around two to four hours, a scab initially develops, which heals completely after around two weeks.

The transplanted hair may even fall out again for a short time, but will then grow back vigorously. The wearer can then enjoy a natural-looking hairstyle again.

Consultation is mandatory

The following applies to all aesthetic procedures: consultation with a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery and professional implementation of the procedure are the be-all and end-all for a positive, natural-looking result.

It is important that the surgeons belong to a reputable specialist association such as the VDÄPC mentioned above. They should also have many years of experience in the field of aesthetic plastic surgery.

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