INUSpherese® - information and specialists

INUSpheresis® is a special blood purification procedure in which components of the blood or blood plasma are filtered to remove harmful components from the blood in order to alleviate existing symptoms and improve overall health. 

Below you will find further information and selected specialists for INUSpheresis®.

Recommended specialists for INUSpheresis®

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INUSpherese® - Further information

Definition of INUSpheresis®

Many people suffer from various ailments that often do not yet constitute a disease in their own right, but which significantly impair their quality of life. This may manifest itself in persistent stress, immune system problems or persistent exhaustion.

INUSpheresis® uses a special procedure in which components of the blood or blood plasma are filtered. The aim of this therapy is to remove harmful components from the blood in order to alleviate existing symptoms and improve general health. INUSpheresis® is usually carried out by specialists, mainly internists, often specializing in nephrology (kidney medicine).

The aim of blood cleansing is to rid the body of

  • toxins,
  • inflammatory messenger substances,
  • immune complexes and
  • allergens.

This can reduce the effects of chronic illnesses and exposure to environmental toxins and harmful substances.

Reasons for an INUSpheresis® treatment

INUSpheresis® treatment can be effective for a variety of conditions that are usually associated with a general weakening of the immune system and poor general health. This therapy can be used both to provide support for existing illnesses and to improve overall health.

Patients with

  • rheumatic diseases,
  • chronic immune system diseases,
  • autoimmune diseases and
  • recurring inflammation in the body

can benefit from INUSpheresis® treatment. This therapy can also be considered for newer diseases such as Long Covid. 

INUSpheresis® is also important in tertiary prevention. Chronic disease management can prevent the onset of diseases, particularly in the case of developing autoimmune diseases.

It is important to note that INUSpheresis® is not a "cure" for symptoms or disease. Instead, it aims to remove harmful factors before they cause problems. In particular, this can help to reduce the effects of long-term inflammatory processes in the body.

Carrying out the treatment

Before the actual treatment, you will have a detailed consultation with your doctor to explain the procedure in detail and clarify any questions. The entire treatment usually takes about two hours.

INUSpheresis® is based on the concept of apheresis, in which veins are used to draw blood. During the therapy, you lie on a treatment table and have two venous accesses, one on each arm. The collected blood is separated into blood cells and blood plasma by a filter. The plasma is then passed through a second filter for purification before being returned to your body via the arm vein of the other arm.

Aftercare following INUSpheresis®

INUSpheresis® treatment should not result in any significant restrictions or impairments. It is recommended that you eat a light meal before the treatment to ensure a stable cardiovascular system. You may be temporarily tired after the therapy, so you should not ride a bicycle or drive a car on this day.

Aftercare depends on your individual health situation and your attending physician will discuss this with you. As a rule, no special measures are required with regard to the infusions.

Known complications and risks

INUSpheresis® is considered to have very few side effects. Occasionally, people with sensitive circulation may experience slight circulatory insufficiency, but this usually disappears within a few hours and does not cause any permanent impairment. A slight drop in blood pressure is also rare and can be easily treated during therapy due to the continuous monitoring of blood pressure. In rare cases, minor bleeding may occur at the injection site, which should be treated immediately by a doctor.


Most patients report a significant improvement in their well-being immediately after the INUSpheresis® treatment. This improvement is mainly due to an optimized supply of nutrients and oxygen to the body. In the long term, it is expected that your blood levels will be optimized and inflammatory processes in the body will decrease due to better blood circulation. The activation of the energy metabolism in your cells also contributes to an overall positive development of your metabolism.


INUSpheresis® is an innovative and pioneering option for detoxifying the body and improving health. It offers a wide range of benefits, including strengthening the immune system and reducing inflammatory processes in the body. Take the opportunity to find out more and consult your doctor about the benefits and possibilities of this treatment.

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