Find an oncological rehabilitation clinic | Doctors & information

The aim of oncological rehabilitation is to treat the functional disorders of the body that have arisen as a result of cancer or its treatment. In addition, psychological changes and suffering caused by cancer are also treated.

Here you will find all the important information about oncological rehab and recognized oncological rehab clinics.

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Oncological rehabilitation - Further information

Oncological rehabilitation is the treatment of the consequential disorders of a tumor disease. It therefore does not include the treatment of tumor diseases, but is only carried out once these have been completely eliminated. Like other rehabilitation services, it must be applied for and approved separately. Oncological rehabilitation generally focuses on the treatment of functional disorders of the body that have arisen as a result of cancer or its treatment. In addition, psychological changes and conditions that have arisen as a result are also treated.


Who is entitled to oncological rehabilitation?

Participation in oncological rehabilitation is only granted in certain cases. It must be applied for by the social services of a hospital or a specialist doctor. If the application is successful, it is usually granted as a lump sum for a period of 21 days. It is then carried out in a specialized oncological rehabilitation clinic. However, entitlement to rehabilitation services is subject to certain conditions.

The basic condition for entitlement is sufficient insurance cover. This is always fulfilled if the insured person has paid compulsory health insurance contributions for at least six calendar months within the last two years prior to the application. To do so, they must have pursued an insured occupation or activity. Alternatively, there is also an entitlement if, within two years of training, the insured person has been continuously self-employed or insured until the application is submitted.

Furthermore, people who receive a pension from the German Pension Insurance are also entitled under insurance law. In addition, their spouses and children also enjoy full insurance cover. Ultimately, the insurance law requirement is also fulfilled after a waiting period of five years.

In addition to one of these conditions, personal requirements must also be met. Only people who have been diagnosed with a malignant tumor are eligible. However, a medical diagnosis of a preliminary stage or early illness is not sufficient. Furthermore, a surgical procedure or radiation treatment must have been completed. Rehabilitation during ongoing chemotherapy is therefore not possible.

It is also necessary that the therapy can demonstrably remedy occupational, psychological, social or physical damage. Furthermore, the main aim of the rehabilitation measures must be to prevent permanent impairment. The goal of occupational reintegration, on the other hand, is generally not supported. Finally, sufficient resilience is also a prerequisite for aftercare treatment. This can be proven by the assessment of the family doctor.

What characterizes an oncological rehabilitation clinic?

An oncology rehabilitation clinic offers its patients a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic measures. Many facilities organize both individual and group therapies. In most cases, attention is paid to small groups with a maximum of five participants. Through comprehensive medical treatment, all consequences of the tumor disease are effectively treated or at least greatly alleviated.

In addition, many providers pay attention to individual therapy that is precisely tailored to the requirements and needs of the patient. All prescribed measures are fully adapted to the disorders present and are therefore different for each patient.

Furthermore, most facilities specialize in a particular field. In addition to rehabilitation clinics for patients with lung cancer, there are also numerous institutions that specialize in the aftercare of breast cancer patients. These often focus directly on improving mobility and lymphatic drainage. In addition to individual skin therapies, speech training is usually also offered, which helps patients with a removed larynx in particular with voice rehabilitation.

In addition, oncological rehabilitation clinics always attach great importance to comprehensive physiotherapy. In addition to exercise and relaxation training, patients usually also receive in-depth nutritional advice.


In addition, a wide range of lectures on creative topics such as music, art and dance are very useful in many cases. These help patients to reintegrate into society and therefore support them in their recovery process. Rehabilitation participants also receive support in their job search through comprehensive social counseling.

Finally, psychological treatment is also a focus of the clinic in many places. Coping with the disease and its therapy is usually initiated by psycho-oncological measures. This special form of therapy is only offered by a few specialist therapists. However, it shows the patient how to deal with the severe psychological stress of cancer. In this way, the development of depression and behavioral disorders is avoided.

Where can I find these clinics?

Oncology rehabilitation clinics can be found almost everywhere in Germany. In total, more than 900 clinics throughout Germany specialize in rehabilitation after cancer. However, patients cannot always choose their own rehabilitation facility. Once an application has been approved, German Pension Insurance informs the patient about the duration, location and type of rehabilitation. However, the clinics usually send the exact dates themselves.

German Pension Insurance is often prepared to take into account a patient's wishes and suggestions regarding the region or a specific facility. However, this assumes that the main rehabilitation goal can be achieved in the desired facility with the same effect and, above all, in an equally cost-effective manner. The point of comparison is always the clinic selected for the patient by the pension insurance provider.

Who pays the costs of a stay in a clinic?

In Germany, medical rehabilitation services must mainly be covered by the health insurance funds and pension insurance providers. This principle was laid down in the German Social Code IX. In the field of oncological rehabilitation, the German Pension Insurance (DRV) in particular acts as the main cost bearer. It covers a large proportion of the fees incurred for pensioners, people in employment and people with reduced earning capacity.

However, in order for the German Pension Insurance to cover the costs, the person concerned must have proper health insurance in Germany and be able to prove the need for oncological rehabilitation. In some cases, inpatient aftercare is also covered. However, this must be carried out as a consolidation measure. This requirement is always met if the person concerned wishes to regain their ability to work. In all other situations, the health insurance companies act as the main payer. However, patients always pay 10 euros per day of treatment themselves.

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