Skin tightening: information & specialists for skin tightening

Skin tightening is a plastic and aesthetic surgery procedure that aims to tighten and therefore beautify the skin. Excess and sagging skin is removed and the remaining skin is smoothed at the same time. You can find more information and selected skin tightening specialists and centers here.

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Skin tightening - Further information

What is a skin tightening procedure?

Skin tightening is also known as dermolipectomy. It involves the surgical removal of excess and sagging skin and fatty tissue. The aim is to give the skin a smooth appearance.

In most cases, skin tightening is performed

  • on the abdomen
  • on the thighs
  • on the upper arms
  • the buttocks

is used. A skin tightening procedure is usually performed on an inpatient basis under general anesthesia and requires a hospital stay of 3 to 10 days.

What happens during a skin tightening procedure?

The excess skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue is first precisely measured and then surgically removed. The skin incisions required for this are made in such a way that the unavoidable scars remain as inconspicuous as possible.

If necessary, skin tightening can also be supplemented by liposuction.

Ältere Frau mit schlaffer Haut
The skin loses its elasticity due to the natural ageing process © michaelheim | AdobeStock

Reasons for a skin tightening procedure

The reason for a skin tightening is the desire for an aesthetic overall impression of one's own appearance. It is therefore usually a cosmetic procedure.

The following often help

  • diets,
  • sporting activity,
  • massages or
  • liposuction

often no longer help, so a surgical skin tightening procedure is required.

The affected person's self-confidence often suffers as a result of their figure problems. Pronounced changes to the skin and body proportions can also lead to

  • chronic skin irritation,
  • movement disorders or
  • abdominal wall hernias

In such cases, there may also be a medical indication.

Preparations and preliminary examinations for a skin tightening procedure

All other weight loss options should be exhausted before skin tightening surgery. The closer the patient is to their ideal weight at the time of surgery, the better the result of the skin tightening procedure.

Before skin tightening, it is advisable to

  • protect the skin with special care measures and
  • stimulate blood circulation by taking a cold shower.

Existing skin inflammation should be treated and checked by a dermatologist beforehand.

In the case of a major operation, the patient can have their own blood taken about 3 to 6 weeks before the operation.

In addition, the patient should refrain from taking sleeping pills in the two weeks before the procedure.

  • taking sleeping pills and painkillers that delay blood clotting, such as aspirin, and
  • the consumption of alcohol and nicotine

alcohol and nicotine.

Procedure for skin tightening

A skin tightening procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia during an inpatient hospital stay of 3 to 10 days. Exactly how long the patient has to stay in hospital after the skin tightening operation depends on

  • the extent of the skin tightening and
  • the size of the body area operated on.

Only minor skin tightening can also be performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia.

Before the actual skin tightening procedure , the surgeon first marks and measures the areas of the body where skin and fatty tissue is to be removed. The skin in question is then disinfected several times. In addition, solutions can be applied to the skin to be operated on to greatly reduce bleeding during the skin tightening operation.

Finally, during the skin tightening itself, the surgeon removes the excess skin and the underlying fatty tissue. If necessary, the skin tightening can also be supplemented and supported by simultaneous liposuction.

At the end of the operation, the surgeon sutures the edges of the wound and tightens the remaining skin. Vacuum tubes, known as redon drains, are placed to prevent the accumulation of wound secretions and minor bruising. They remain in place at the operated site for several days.


A facelift is usually performed to treat age-related wrinkling of the facial skin. The facial skin can sag at an above-average age

  • in smokers,
  • people who have frequently been exposed to intense sunlight, and
  • after severe weight loss.

A facelift is the most effective method of face lifting to date. Depending on the technique, it is performed under local or general anesthesia. The surgical method used by the surgeon depends on the individual requirements and wishes of the patient.

During the operation, the skin is tightened and excess skin is removed. In order to leave as few visible scars as possible, the number of incisions is kept to a minimum.

In addition to skin smoothing surgery, there are also

  • laser lifting,
  • the gold thread method and
  • injections with Botox or hyaluronic acid.

They all aim to reduce wrinkles and visually rejuvenate the skin.

Neck lift

If the skin on the neck is severely sagging or a double chin has developed, a neck lift can be used. This is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Various procedures can be considered for a neck lift. If the skin is only slightly loose, liposuction of the excess fatty tissue is sufficient. If the skin is no longer elastic, the excess skin is surgically removed.

Faltenbehandlung am Hals mit Ultraschall
Small wrinkles on the neck do not necessarily require a skin tightening © Robert Kneschke | AdobeStock


One of the most frequently performed tightening operations is a tummy tuck. For some women after

  • pregnancy or
  • severe weight loss

the stretched skin in the abdominal area no longer recedes. A tummy tuck can help with a sagging or wrinkled abdominal wall.

The so-called mini abdominoplasty (mini tummy tuck) is a minor outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. Excess fatty tissue below the navel is removed.

In the classic, more extensive abdominoplasty, on the other hand, the entire abdominal wall is tightened under general anesthesia. The navel must also be cut out and later sewn back in. This procedure requires a hospital stay of several days.

Thigh lift

In the course of the ageing process, excess fat on the thighs results in an inharmonious body image. This is why slim women over 50 are particularly interested in a thigh lift.

The skin loses elasticity with age. Many women perceive the inner thighs in particular as a problem area.

A thigh lift is performed under general anesthesia on an inpatient basis. The skin is removed from its base and pulled upwards. In addition, excess skin is removed and the wound is sutured up again.

To achieve a long-lasting skin tightening effect, the surgeon attaches the skin flap to the pubic bone and the inguinal ligament.

Upper arm lift

Skin tightening can also be performed on the upper arms. Women of advanced age are often so uncomfortable with the sagging skin pockets on their upper arms that they avoid wearing sleeveless clothing.

During the upper arm lift, which is usually performed under general anesthesia, an incision is made from the armpit to the elbow joint. The surgeon then removes excess skin and fatty tissue and closes the wound.

The scars on the inside of the upper arms are barely visible.

Breast lift

Breast lifts are often performed on women whose breasts are too large due to

  • their size,
  • pregnancy or
  • a strong weight reduction

have lost their elasticity. In order to achieve firmer breasts, the skin tightening procedure can be combined with breast augmentation using an implant.

A breast lift is usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon has various incision techniques at his disposal. He removes excess fatty tissue, shapes the breast tissue if necessary and moves it further up the breast.

It may also be necessary to reposition the nipple or reduce the size of the areola.

Buttock lift

A buttock lift is an increasingly popular operation to remove fatty tissue from unwanted areas of the buttocks.

As we age, the buttocks lose firmness and volume. With the help of various procedures, the buttocks can be tightened again and simultaneously filled with a buttock implant.

The operation is usually performed under general anesthesia during a short hospital stay. Excess fatty tissue in the buttocks can be removed through an incision above or below the buttocks. If volume augmentation is desired at the same time, this is achieved using autologous fat from other areas of the body or silicone gel implants.

Dr. Placik Buttock Lift

Hand rejuvenation

The skin on the hands is particularly sensitive and, in addition to natural ageing, is exposed to many daily stresses such as

  • water,
  • heat,
  • cold,
  • sunlight and
  • chemicals

and chemicals. This can result in age spots, wrinkles and sagging.

The hands cannot be concealed like other problem areas. This is why some people opt for hand rejuvenation.

There are various procedures for tightening the skin on the hands. These include

  • Skin abrasion,
  • autologous fat treatment,
  • laser therapy,
  • tissue augmentation using hyaluronic acid and
  • surgical hand lifting.
Hände einer Seniorin
Hands with wrinkles and age spots are a reason for hand rejuvenation for some people © zamphotography | AdobeStock

    Possible complications of a skin tightening procedure

    As with any surgery, there are certain risks associated with cosmetic procedures and complications can occur. These include

    • A possible intolerance reaction to general anesthesia,
    • bruising and
    • bacterial infections.

    Lymphatic drainage may be impaired, particularly after a thigh lift. In the case of an abdominoplasty, there is an increased risk of blood clots.

    With all operations, skin sensation in the area of the scars may be impaired for several months. Thromboses and embolisms are rather rare complications after a skin tightening.

    Complications can be prevented to a certain extent. Patients who suffer from

    • vascular diseases,
    • venous congestion or
    • blood clots

    require special precautions before the procedure. The patient must inform the doctor in advance whether they

    • suffers from illnesses or allergies to certain medications, plasters or ointments and
    • whether they regularly take medication.

    As a precautionary measure, the patient's blood count and blood clotting are checked before the skin tightening procedure. In addition, an ECG of the heart and an X-ray examination of the lungs are carried out.

    After the skin tightening

    Immediately after skin tightening surgery, the patient usually experiences slight pain . The patient is given painkillers to counteract this.

    It takes around two to three weeks for the wound to heal and the swelling in the surgical area to subside. However, final healing of the operated body parts can only be expected after several weeks. As a rule, however, the patient is fully fit for work again after around three weeks.

    For at least six weeks after the skin tightening operation, the patient should

    • wear thrombosis stockings during the day and
    • perform isometric muscle exercises.

    The aim of this is to

    • prevent blood clots and embolisms,
    • stimulate blood circulation and oxygen supply to the operated areas of the body and
    • support the healing process.

    Other measures to support the healing process include

    • Skin care products such as panthenol ointments and
    • cold showers to stimulate blood circulation.

    In addition, during the first six to 8 weeks , the patient should

    • avoid excessive and jerky tension on the suture lines and
    • move carefully.

    Sports activities can be resumed five weeks after the operation and gradually increased.

    Absorbable skin sutures dissolve by themselves. Other sutures must be removed approximately three to six weeks after the skin tightening procedure.

    Costs of skin tightening

    The cost of skin tightening varies greatly. They depend on the area of the body in which it is performed and which procedure is used.

    If a skin tightening procedure is carried out due to an accident or as a result of certain illnesses, the costs are partially or fully covered by health insurance. Patients must pay for purely aesthetic procedures themselves.

    Conclusion: Result of a skin tightening procedure

    Surgical skin tightening does cause longer scars due to the larger incisions required. However, skin tightening is a way of eliminating large fat aprons and skin folds that cannot be corrected in any other way.

    Skin tightening can restore the harmony of body proportions. For those affected, this means an improvement in subjective well-being and an increase in self-confidence.

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