Vaginal fungus: information & vaginal fungus doctors

Leading Medicine Guide Editors
Leading Medicine Guide Editors

Vaginal thrush is a common fungal infection in the genital area of women. Up to 75 percent of all women experience such a fungal infection in the course of their lives. Typical symptoms are itching and burning in the genital area. If you notice such symptoms, do not hesitate to visit your gynecologist. In most cases, vaginal fungus can be treated quickly and effectively with antifungal medication.

You can find further information and selected obesity specialists and centers here.

ICD codes for this diseases: B37.3

Article overview

What is vaginal fungus?

Vaginal thrush is a fungal disease in the genital area of women. It causes inflammation of the vaginal mucosa and the vulva. The fungal disease is also known as vaginal fungus or vaginal mycosis.

It is estimated that more than 75 percent of women suffer from a vaginal fungal infection at least once in their lives. This makes vaginal mycosis one of the most common infections in the genital area of women.

The causes of vaginal thrush

A yeast fungus is usually the cause of vaginal yeast infections, in particular the yeast Candida albicans. This causes 80 to 90 percent of all vaginal mycosis cases. A further 5 to 10 percent of vaginal mycosis cases are caused by an infection with the yeast Candida galbrata.

Yeast fungi thrive best in a moist environment at a temperature of around 37 degrees Celsius. This is why they can multiply particularly well in the vagina.

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Development of a vaginal fungal infection

Normal, healthy vaginal flora includes various fungi and other microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria. The acidic vaginal environment with a pH value of less than 4.5 suppresses their growth. This results in a natural balance and normally no infections occur.

This can only happen if the vaginal flora gets out of balance. The pathogens can then multiply and cause an infection.

Favoring factors for a vaginal fungus

Factors that favor the proliferation of fungi and thus a vaginal fungal infection include

  • A weakened immune system: Infections or illnesses weaken the immune system and thus promote the proliferation of yeast fungi.
  • Stress and psychological strain: Prolonged stress inhibits the immune defense. The number of immune cells in the blood drops and the natural killer cells are less active. This is why many women are more susceptible to a vaginal yeast infection during periods of prolonged stress and psychological strain.
  • Hormone fluctuations: Hormonal changes occur primarily during puberty, pregnancy or the menopause. The contraceptive pill also leads to hormonal changes.
  • Metabolic disorders: In diabetes and other metabolic disorders, yeast fungi can feed off the increased blood sugar levels and multiply more.
  • Medication:
    • Antibiotics, such as those used to treat bladder infections: The antibiotic also kills microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria. This makes the vaginal environment alkaline and the fungi can multiply unhindered.
    • Cortisone: Cortisone preparations weaken the immune system.
  • Excessive intimate hygiene: Intimate sprays and vaginal douches often contain alkaline soap and thus change the natural vaginal flora in favor of the fungi.
  • Tight-fitting clothing and synthetic underwear: vaginal fungi need a warm and moist environment. Clothing that is impermeable to air can cause a build-up of heat and create an ideal breeding ground for the fungi.
  • Yeast fungi feed on sugar, among other things. A sugary diet can increase the growth of the fungi.

Symptoms of vaginal yeast infections

The typical symptoms of vaginal yeast infections can be divided into three main symptoms:

  • Itching and burning in the vaginal area
  • Increased discharge
  • Redness and swelling

Severe itching and painful burning in the vaginal area: Both the outer genital area of the labia (vulva) and the vaginal entrance are usually affected. The burning sensation can intensify during urination. For the women affected, the itching and burning are usually the most unpleasant symptoms.

Increased discharge: Every woman starts to experience so-called white discharge during puberty. This milky white discharge serves to keep the vaginal mucous membranes moist and flush out bacteria. If the discharge changes

  • changes in consistency to that of crumbly, curdled milk and
  • its color from white to yellowish,

this is an important symptom of a vaginal fungal infection. The discharge remains almost odorless. If the discharge smells strongly fishy, this indicates a bacterial infection rather than a vaginal fungus.

Redness and swelling: The skin affected by the fungal infection reddens and swells. The redness and swelling are a natural defense reaction of the affected tissue to the pathogen.

The symptoms can vary in severity and not all symptoms necessarily occur. Sometimes the symptoms are so minimal that the affected person is not even aware of the infection.

The severity of the infection usually reaches its maximum three days after the outbreak.

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Some women may also experience pain during sexual intercourse. Women with prolonged infections or who suffer from vaginal fungus frequently are particularly affected.

Asymptomatic vaginal yeast infection

There are not always clear vaginal fungus symptoms with typical complaints. The affected woman then usually only finds out by chance that she has a vaginal fungus. Vaginal thrush is often detected during a routine check-up at the gynaecologist. The vaginal fungus can also be discovered during a microscopic examination of the vaginal smear after the examination.

Such an asymptomatic vaginal fungal infection does not usually require treatment. Only during pregnancy should the vaginal fungus be treated: Then vaginal fungus brings with it certain risks.

Fungal pathogens multiply in the vagina and cause an infection © Kateryna_Kon | AdobeStock

Self-treatment of vaginal fungus

Women who have already been affected by vaginal yeast infections can often recognize the typical symptoms themselves. Self-treatment with an antifungal agent is then a good option. Such preparations are available over the counter in pharmacies. They eliminate the infection and quickly alleviate the unpleasant symptoms.

However, a visit to the doctor is necessary if

  • you are unsure whether the itching and discharge is actually a vaginal fungal infection,
  • you are experiencing the symptoms for the first time,
  • you are not yet of legal age,
  • you are pregnant,
  • the symptoms are unusually severe,
  • the symptoms persist despite treatment with an antifungal medication,
  • the vaginal fungus occurs more than four times a year.

Diagnosis of a vaginal fungus

The gynecologist will usually start by taking a medical history and asking the patient in detail about the symptoms and accompanying symptoms.

This is followed by a gynecological examination of the genital area. The doctor takes a swab from the vaginal mucosa for a microscopic examination.

In most cases, vaginal fungus can be recognized with the naked eye by the characteristic changes to the mucous membrane in the vagina and vulva.

The swab is used to confirm the diagnosis. The tissue sample is examined under a microscope. Fungal pathogens can be detected. However, in order to identify the exact pathogen, a fungal culture must be grown. In the laboratory, the fungus from the tissue sample is placed on a culture medium. After a few days or weeks, the culture has grown enough to identify the pathogen.

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Treatment of a vaginal fungal infection with antifungal agents

Vaginal mycosis is treated with antifungal medication, so-called antifungals. They inhibit the growth of the vaginal fungus and kill it. The active ingredients in these medications include

  • Imidazoles (e.g. clotrimazole, miconazole, flucanzole, fenticonazole),
  • nystatin or
  • providone iodine.

They are usually

  • inserted into the vagina as vaginal suppositories or vaginal tablets,
  • applied locally to the affected areas as a cream or ointment or
  • inserted into the vagina using an applicator.

This treatment lasts one to six days, depending on the dosage and severity of the vaginal fungal infection.

Antifungals can also be administered as tablets. They then have a systemic effect, i.e. throughout the entire body. Local treatment using suppositories, creams etc. is usually sufficient to kill the fungus. If the treatment has no effect or the fungus returns quickly, the doctor will prescribe systemic therapy.

Are there home remedies for vaginal fungus?

There are many rumors circulating about vaginal fungus home remedies, but these should be treated with great caution. Many of the suggested remedies do more harm than good.

Many women hope that alternative medicine and natural remedies will provide a gentler and more gentle treatment. For this reason, they often resort to home remedies to treat vaginal yeast infections. They are based on traditional advice from friends or rumors on the internet.

In the following, we briefly present the most common rumors circulating on the subject of vaginal fungus home remedies. We will also tell you how useful or harmful these home remedies actually are.

Does yogurt help with vaginal thrush?

A frequently propagated alternative home remedy for vaginal fungus is yogurt. It should be inserted into the vagina using a vaginal sponge or a tampon. Yoghurt contains lactic acid bacteria. They are supposed to stabilize the vaginal environment, which has been damaged by the vaginal fungal infection, and to displace the fungus.

Lactic acid bacteria are indeed necessary for maintaining the vaginal flora. However, the lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt are not sufficient to combat vaginal fungus. Once the fungal pathogens have multiplied to such an extent that a vaginal fungal infection develops, lactic acid bacteria cannot do anything about it.

Only antimycotics can help to kill the fungal pathogens.

Yoghurt also contains other bacterial cultures that have no place in the natural vaginal environment. Also

  • chemical additives,
  • preservatives and
  • possibly sugar

may also be present. Yoghurt treatment can therefore cause irritation of the vaginal mucosa and inflammation and even make the vaginal fungal infection worse.

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How useful are vaginal rinses with vinegar or tea tree oil?

Vinegar rinses are intended to lower the pH value of the vagina and thus restore the acidic environment of the vagina. Tea tree oil should either be heavily diluted with water and used as a vaginal douche or as an additive in a sitz bath. This is said to have a disinfectant and germ-killing effect.

In fact, the effectiveness of these vaginal fungus home remedies has not been proven. On the contrary: both vinegar and tea tree oil are far too harsh for the sensitive vaginal mucosa and irritate it even more. This can lead to a worsening of the vaginal fungus symptoms.

The fungal pathogens cannot simply be rinsed out with a vaginal douche.

Vaginal douches damage the vaginal flora and further unbalance it.

Do garlic cloves help as a home remedy for vaginal fungus?

Another myth is that inserting garlic cloves helps with vaginal fungus. Garlic cloves, like tea tree oil, are said to have a disinfecting and germ-killing effect. It is therefore often recommended to insert garlic cloves - together with a yoghurt tampon if necessary - into the vagina.

However, it is better to refrain from using this vaginal fungus home remedy. Pungent garlic is far too aggressive for the sensitive vaginal flora. It can dry out the mucous membrane of the vagina and therefore make the vaginal fungal infection worse rather than better.

Do sitz baths with herbal supplements help?

Sitz baths with herbal additives such as

  • camomile,
  • sage,
  • pungent,
  • marigold blossom,
  • oak bark extract,
  • horsetail or
  • other herbs

are another popular home remedy for vaginal fungus. The rumor behind this is that herbal baths can virtually flush away vaginal fungus.

Sitz baths with herbal supplements can have a relaxing effect. Sometimes they also provide short-term relief from symptoms. However, they do not have any real therapeutic benefit.

Sitz baths with herbal additives can neither cure vaginal fungal infections nor eliminate their causes. You should even be careful when using essential oils in herbal baths. These can irritate the vaginal mucosa under certain circumstances.

Can homeopathy cure a vaginal yeast infection?

The effectiveness of homeopathic medication has not yet been proven in scientific tests. Nevertheless, many people rely on them.

There are also a number of homeopathic remedies available for the treatment of vaginal thrush. However, these are not suitable for the sole treatment of a vaginal fungal infection.

At most, they should be seen as a complementary treatment method.

Conclusion: How should vaginal fungus home remedies be assessed?

It is better to rely on conventional medicine for vaginal yeast infections. Most home remedies for vaginal fungus have no benefit or even make it worse .

It is therefore better to treat vaginal fungus according to the latest, proven findings and with antimycotics.

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Prognosis and chances of recovery with professional treatment

As a rule, a consistently treated vaginal fungus takes a quick and uncomplicated course.

In the case of chronic vaginal mycosis - technically known as chronic recurrent vaginal mycosis - renewed, longer-term antifungal therapy is usually necessary.

How you can prevent vaginal mycosis

Various behaviors and precautionary measures can help to prevent a vaginal fungal infection. These include in particular

  • Regular and proper washing of the intimate area
  • Preventive measures during your period
  • Wearing the right clothing
  • Use of condoms

Proper intimate and toilet hygiene

Too much intimate hygiene is harmful to the vaginal flora. You should therefore avoid

  • aggressive or perfumed soaps
  • intimate sprays
  • vaginal douches
  • Frequent bubble baths

They damage the natural balance of the vaginal flora and thus promote the proliferation of vaginal fungal pathogens. Instead, you should rinse your external genital area at regular intervals exclusively with

  • clean water
  • pH-neutral soap
  • Intimate wash lotion with lactic acid


When cleaning the toilet, make sure you wipe from front to back, never the other way around.

Preventive measures during your period

Airtight or plastic-coated panty liners or sanitary towels can lead to a build-up of heat and moisture. This favors the multiplication of vaginal fungal pathogens. Therefore, only wear panty liners that are permeable to air.

Use small or very small tampons during the last few days of your period. Tampons can also promote a vaginal fungal infection in sensitive women.

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The right clothing

Do not wear tight-fitting, synthetic clothing and underwear. Instead, wear light cotton underwear, which should ideally be changed daily. After bathing, wet swimwear should not be left to dry on your body, but should be taken off immediately.

If you already suffer from vaginal thrush, change your towels and underwear daily. Do not share them with your partner. Otherwise infection is possible.

Special detergents are available from pharmacies to kill the pathogens in clothing, underwear and towels.

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