Tattoo removal: information & specialists for tattoo removal

Recently, more and more people want to get rid of their tattoo. In fact, some dermatologists and clinics offer tattoo removal services that can completely remove the body paint. The laser procedure has proven to be particularly effective. Here you can find out exactly how this procedure works and what you need to consider before and after the treatment. You can also find selected specialists for tattoo removal here.

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Tattoo removal - Further information

Not all tattoo colors can be removed equally well during tattoo removal. Dark colors such as black, blue and brown respond particularly well to the treatment and can be removed completely. With light colors, there is a risk that the tattoo will not be completely removed, but only lightened.

However, the final result also depends on the individual skin type. European skin is different to Asian or African skin, for example. Asian and dark-skinned people should be aware that the skin's own color pigments are destroyed and skin spots may appear.

However, these disappear on their own after a while. In principle, anyone can have their tattoo removed. However, the tattoo must be at least 90 days old.

What are the reasons for tattoo removal?

There are many reasons for removing a tattoo. For some, it is simply a youthful sin that you just want to get rid of. Or perhaps you are starting a new job where tattoos are not welcome.

Tattoos can often be easily removed using laser treatment © mkrberlin | AdobeStock

Who carries out laser treatment?

Laser treatment should only be carried out by a recognized doctor. Laser treatment is currently the most advanced method of effectively getting rid of a tattoo.

The main advantage: in contrast to the surgical removal that was often used in the past, no scars remain.

How does the treatment work?

In laser tattoo removal, short pulses of light are applied directly to the color pigments, "blasting" them, so to speak. The light wave is so short that the skin cannot be burned.

As a rule, several sessions are necessary until the tattoo is completely removed. Expect between five and ten sessions, with the following factors playing an important role in the number of sessions:

  • the size of the tattoo
  • the chemical composition of the tattoo
  • the colors used in the tattoo
  • the intensity of the treatment
  • Your personal perception of pain

But don't worry: laser treatment is definitely not as painful as surgical removal by skin abrasion. Most patients report that laser treatment is no more painful than getting a tattoo. If larger areas are treated, the areas are treated with an anesthetic cream.

With each session, the tattoo becomes lighter until it finally disappears completely. No more than 100 square centimetres of skin should be treated per session.

Each session lasts between 5 and 10 minutes, with the duration again depending on the size of the tattoo. There should be an interval of at least four weeks between individual sessions.

How much does tattoo removal cost?

If you choose a reputable tattoo removal provider, you will receive a precise overview of the expected costs before the treatment. The total cost should include both the initial consultation and a trial laser treatment.

The costs you need to budget for the procedure depend primarily on the size of the area to be treated. The larger the tattoo, the more expensive the procedure will be. More sessions will also be necessary and the skin may take longer to heal. Other factors that significantly determine the price of tattoo removal are

  • Is it a professional or an amateur tattoo?
  • How old is the tattoo?
  • Is the tattoo monochrome or multicolored?
  • What is the depth and quality of the tattoo?

It is therefore difficult to make a general statement about the price of tattoo removal. Generally speaking, the younger the tattoo, the easier it is to remove.

The colors used and the age of the tattoo influence how well a tattoo can be removed © alfa27 | AdobeStock

What needs to be considered after the procedure?

Proper aftercare is important to prevent scars from forming. Do not expose yourself to UV rays for at least a week before and after the procedure. You should therefore refrain from sunbathing or going to the solarium. Going to the sauna or swimming pool is also not recommended in the first week after treatment.

Immediately after the treatment, you will also notice that your skin burns a little. It is best to wear comfortable clothing made of pure cotton. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight and allow the treated areas of skin to breathe.

Your doctor will also provide you with special skin care creams that you should use regularly.

Another insider tip: eat a fresh pineapple or drink pineapple juice. The enzymes contained in pineapple can speed up the healing process after tattoo removal.


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