The eyelids may require treatment due to age or for medical reasons. Specialists in eyelid surgery are usually specialists in ophthalmology with further training in ophthalmoplastic surgery. They are comprehensively trained to achieve the best results in eyelid surgery. Here you will find further information and selected eyelid surgeons.
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Eyelid surgery - Further information
Medically necessary eyelid surgery is covered by statutory and private health insurance as a curative measure. Aesthetic operations, on the other hand, are purely covered by the patient. An exception to this is the reconstruction of facial areas and eyelids following an accident.
Reasons for medical eyelid surgery
Medically necessary eyelid surgery is mainly performed
- after serious injuries,
- tumor diseases,
- functional limitations of the eyelid or
- eyelid malposition
are used.
Eyelid malposition
There are essentially three types of eyelid malposition:
- Entropion (= eyelid turned inwards),
- ectropion (= eyelid turned outwards) and
- ptosis (= drooping upper eyelid).

In ptosis, an eyelid hangs down and can reduce the amount of light entering the eye © tomozina1 | AdobeStock
Eyelid malpositions cause secondary diseases, such as
- reddened eyes,
- burning eyes,
- inflammation in the eye or
- corneal ulcers.
With the help of eyelid surgery, the affected eyelid is tightened and thus restored to its natural shape and position. Once the eyelid malposition has been corrected, the secondary symptoms usually disappear.
Tumor treatment
The eyelids can also be affected by skin tumors.
A distinction is made between benign and malignant lesions. They endanger the eyelid, the eye and the eye socket and can be life-threatening under certain circumstances.
Depending on the type and location of the tumor, the eyelid surgery specialist may need to perform a functional or aesthetic reconstruction after removing the tumor tissue.
Treatment of diseases of the lacrimal duct
Eyelid surgeons are involved in the treatment of disorders or diseases of the tear ducts in the lower eyelid.
It may be necessary to surgically dilate the affected tear duct. In some cases, lacrimal duct surgery is necessary to reopen it.
Purposes of purely aesthetic eyelid surgery
Purely cosmetic, i.e. plastic-aesthetic eyelid surgery, refers to surgical procedures on the eyelid that are not medically related.
This usually involves the correction of age-related changes to the eyelid. These can be improved surgically or by injecting the skin with hyaluronic acid or Botox.
Eyelid surgery can be performed for medical or aesthetic reasons © Georgiy | AdobeStock
Upper eyelid lift (blepharoplasty)
Many people, sometimes with a family history, suffer from upper eyelid sagging due to age. This causes the skin of the upper eyelid to droop , narrowing the field of vision of the eye. The reduced amount of light entering the eye can lead to chronic fatigue and exhaustion.
The eyelid surgery specialist will surgically remove the excess skin on the upper eyelid as well as small deposits of fat and thus tighten the eyelid.
In specialized eye clinics that routinely offer eyelid correction, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis and under local anaesthetic.
Eyelid lifting can also be performed without surgery using radiofrequency technology @ Robert Kneschke /AdobeStock
Wrinkle correction
It is not usually necessary to resort to eyelid surgery to correct small wrinkles on the eyelids. Injections of Botox or hyaluronic acid are already very effective here.
The disadvantage, however, is that the effect of the injections is limited in time and therefore requires a new treatment session at regular intervals.
What kind of specialists are eyelid surgeons?
Specialists in eyelid surgery areophthalmologists who generally have at least ten years of surgical experience in the field of eyelid surgery.
When choosing a clinic for eyelid surgery, make sure that the surgeons regularly perform such procedures on the eyelid as a routine procedure. Because the old saying "experience makes perfect" really does apply in surgery.
Medical spectrum
- Zur Therapie von Erkrankungen des Tränenganges:
- Zur Blepharoplastik (Oberlidstraffung):