Pediatric orthopedics | Specialists and information

Pediatric orthopaedics deals with congenital deformities and acquired injuries in children and adolescents. As a special field of orthopaedics, paediatric orthopaedics is mainly found in specialized clinics for paediatric orthopaedics.

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Pediatric orthopedics - Further information

As a specialization in the field of orthopaedics, paediatric orthopaedics treats malformations and diseases of the child or adolescent skeleton.

The oldest evidence of pediatric orthopaedics dates back to antiquity. Even Hippocrates is said to have treated clubfoot in children with papyrus strips. In the 20th century, pediatric orthopaedists focused primarily on consequential damage caused by poliomyelitis or bone tuberculosis.

Despite vaccinations in the case of poliomyelitis or the availability of antibiotics for tuberculosis, both diseases are on the rise again today. The general vaccination fatigue makes it easier for poliomyelitis to return.

The increase in antibiotic resistance is also a serious setback in the fight against tuberculosis. Tuberculosis bacteria are returning to Germany, particularly from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe.

What diseases do pediatric orthopaedists treat?

Specialists and clinics for pediatric orthopaedics treat congenital and acquired deformities and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Today, the main tasks of pediatric orthopaedists include the treatment of broken bones (fractures), dislocations (luxations) and scoliosis.

Children and adolescents have a much greater urge to move than adults, which is why sports injuries occur very frequently in them. Soccer, parcour running, skateboarding and martial arts in particular entail an increased risk of bone fractures and dislocations.

Certain signs of fractures include abnormal mobility of limbs, crunching and a visible fracture site as well as malalignment and bone gaps. These injuries usually require a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon in order to avoid malpositioning of bones or later joint damage.

Unterarmbruch (Unterarmfraktur)Forearm fractures (forearm fractures) often occur in the event of a fall on the hand or forearm @ U. J. Alexander /AdobeStock

In cases of autoimmune diseases that are associated with joint damage, conservative procedures or joint replacement are also used.

This is more difficult in children and adolescents than in adults, as their skeleton is still growing.

What treatments/therapies are used in pediatric orthopaedics?

Specialists in pediatric orthopaedics increasingly use the following procedures to help their young and older patients:

Kinder-Bein-OrtheseLower leg orthosis in children @ Towfiqu Barbhuiya /AdobeStock

    Which specialists are specialists in pediatric orthopedics?

    Specialists in pediatric orthopaedics are orthopaedic surgeons who undergo specialist training in pediatric orthopaedics after completing medical school. There are also specializations among paediatric orthopaedic specialists that deal with specific diseases and/or surgical procedures.

    The German Society for Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (DGOOC) has had a section for pediatric orthopaedics since 1987. They organize annual training congresses and seminars.

    This ensures that pediatric orthopaedists always have the most up-to-date range of methods. Doctors in every specialty are required to undergo further training in order to ensure the high quality standards of patient care.

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