Breast Augmentation | Specialists and Information

Breast augmentation with breast implants is one of the most popular aesthetic operations in the world today. In contrast to procedures with autologous fat or hyaluronic acid, breast augmentation with implants is permanent and allows larger volume increases.

Here you will find the most important information and qualified specialists for breast augmentation.

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Breast enlargement - Further information

Reasons for breast augmentation

Many women want larger, fuller and firmer breasts. The reasons for breast augmentation are very diverse. In most cases, however, the decision to have a breast augmentation is made for aesthetic reasons. Among other things

  • uneven or differently developed breasts
  • naturally very small breasts or
  • breasts that are subjectively perceived as too small and do not correspond to one's own ideal of beauty,

are the reason for the desire for breast augmentation.

A change in breast shape, whether as a result of pregnancy, severe weight loss or the natural ageing process, can also lead to the decision to have a breast augmentation.

Another possible reason for breast augmentation may be a disfiguring malformation of the breast.

What is done during a breast augmentation?

During a breast augmentation, a breast implant is inserted directly behind the breast tissue or between the pectoral muscle and the ribs via an incision under the breast, in the nipple area or in the armpit.

The operation takes approximately 1 to 2 hours and is performed either under local anesthesia or general anesthesia.

The cost of such a breast augmentation is around 2,500 euros, plus 1,000 to 2,000 euros for the breast implants.

Results of breast augmentation

After a breast augmentation with breast implants, the breast shape is full and natural and feels just like a firm breast.

For women who wish to have breast augmentation, this procedure usually means an increase in body and self-confidence.

Although the results of breast augmentation are very permanent, they do not last forever. For example, the shape of the breast can change again over the years after breast augmentation due to age, which may make a breast lift necessary at a later date.

Which specialists perform breast augmentation?

A total of around 25,000 breast implants are inserted in Germany every year. Breast augmentation is therefore the most frequently requested procedure in plastic and aesthetic surgery.

Breast augmentation for aesthetic reasons should not be confused with breast reconstruction, for example after an injury or a mastectomy (breast removal) following breast cancer surgery.

Consultation appointments before breast augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is usually preceded by two detailed consultation appointments, during which the patient's breasts are measured precisely and realistic goals and the various surgical procedures and breast implants are discussed.

Breast augmentation may only be performed on healthy breasts. If there is an increased risk of breast cancer, the doctor may recommend a mammogram, breast ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging before the operation.

What breast implants are available and which one is right for me?

The implants used for breast augmentation are usually double-walled silicone cushions that can contain different fillings. For example, the silicone implants can be filled with silicone gel, hydrogel, oil or saline solution. The double-walled silicone shell offers very good protection against injury and the filling material used guarantees excellent aesthetic and tactile results.

The quality of breast implants with a silicone filling has improved massively in recent years. Nowadays, so-called cohesive gels are mainly used for the filling, which significantly reduces the likelihood of silicone leaking into the tissue. The silicone gel implants feel more natural than breast implants with saline solution.

In addition to the filling, the implants also differ in their shape (round vs. teardrop-shaped) and surface (rough vs. smooth). The surgeon will work with the patient to determine which breast implants are best for her.

Preparations and preliminary examinations for breast augmentation

Before breast augmentation, a number of preliminary examinations are necessary or advisable, which are carried out in the clinic on the day before the operation.

These include a mammogram and an ultrasound examination of the breasts. With the help of these examinations, any tissue changes can be detected before the breast augmentation.

As painkillers such as aspirin delay blood clotting, they should not be taken in the two weeks before the operation. The use of sleeping pills and the consumption of alcohol should also be avoided.

How long does breast augmentation surgery take?

Breast augmentation is usually performed on an inpatient basis during a hospital stay of 1 to 3 days . The operation takes approx. 60 to 90 minutes (longer if a breast lift is also performed).

If it is planned to place the implants on the breast muscles (submammary / subglandular implantation), the patient is free to choose the type of anesthesia: Both local anesthesia with additional twilight sleep and general anesthesia are an option.

Schaubild subfasziale Brustvergrößerung.jpg
From Ortenau Klinikum - Ortenau Klinikum, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

A breast augmentation in which the implants are placed under the pectoral muscles (submuscular implantation) is usually performed under general anesthesia so that the pectoral muscles are relaxed.

What surgical procedures are available?

Various access routes are available for inserting the implants, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. The most common approach is via a small incision in the underbust crease (inframammary approach).

Access via the armpit(transaxillary approach) leaves the breast completely scar-free, but is only suitable for smaller implants and is probably associated with a higher risk of infection (bacteria in the armpit).

Implants can also be inserted from the areola (periareolar approach), for example, while maintaining the ability to breastfeed.

At the same time as breast augmentation, the correction of nipples that are too deep or unevenly positioned and often a breast lift for sagging breasts can also be performed. In some cases, a separate procedure is necessary for the breast lift.

In patients with congenitally different sized breasts, the asymmetry can be corrected using different breast implants.

At the end of the operation, the skin incisions must be closed with fine sutures and skin adhesive / skin adhesive strips.

The surgical procedure for breast implants with saline solution differs from breast augmentation with silicone gel implants. With saline implants, a smaller incision is required because the implant shell is not filled until it has already been inserted into the body.

What needs to be considered after breast augmentation surgery?

After the operation, the breasts may be tight and painful and the upper body may be restricted in its mobility. In addition, breast augmentation can cause swelling and bruising to a greater or lesser extent, but this usually disappears within the next few days or weeks.

One to two days after the operation, the patient is usually well again and is fully fit for work after a week at the latest. The scars from the incisions fade over time until they are barely recognizable. A final assessment of the results of breast augmentation can usually only be made after 6 to 9 months.

Aftercare following breast augmentation

A support bra must be worn for approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the operation. In addition, the operated breast should be protected as much as possible for the first two months after the operation and should not be overstressed.

Therefore, no heavy physical activities (sports, lifting heavy objects, etc.) should be performed during this time. Swelling may persist for several months.

Possible risks and complications of breast augmentation

Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation is also associated with certain risks. For example, in exceptional cases

  • Postoperative bleeding,
  • wound healing disorders,
  • swelling,
  • bruising,
  • infections or
  • temporary impairment of sensation in the nipple.

can occur. Other possible complications include capsular fibrosis and defects in the double-walled silicone shell of the breast implant.

Capsular fibrosis

In the case of capsular fibrosis, a capsule of scar tissue forms around the breast implant during the natural healing process after breast augmentation. In rare cases, this capsule can harden to such an extent that it causes pain, deformation of the breast and displacement of the implant.

In this case, another operation is required to remove the scarred capsule or replace the implant.

Defects in the silicone shell

Material fatigue or serious accidents can lead to defects in the double-walled silicone shell of the breast implant. As a result, filling material leaks into the surrounding tissue. If the implant is filled with a saline solution, this is completely harmless as the saline is completely absorbed by the body within a short time.

However, other filling materials can cause tissue reactions that lead to the formation of so-called siliconeomas after months or years.

Preventing complications of breast augmentation

To prevent complications during breast augmentation, the patient should inform the surgeon in advance if she suffers from allergies or other illnesses or if she is prone to noticeable bruising or persistent bleeding after minor injuries.

In the latter case, blood clotting disorders should be ruled out before the operation. As significant weight loss or pregnancy can change the shape of the breast and affect the result of breast augmentation, it is important to inform the surgeon of any plans in this regard.

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