Myoma - Medical specialists

Myomas develop as growths of the muscle layer in the uterus. They are benign tumors which, in principle, can develop in any woman. In Europe it is estimated that every second to fifth woman of childbearing age is affected. As they can severely impair the quality of life of the women affected, quite a few seek help in one of the specialized myoma centers.

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Myoma - Further information

Supporting women in the myoma center

As a rule, myomas occur mainly in women between the ages of 25 and 50. Individual muscle knots or numerous myomas in the uterine wall can occur. Myomas vary in size. However, there are also cases in which they have grown up to 20 centimetres.

Which symptoms indicate myomas?

Approximately every second woman affected has no symptoms whatsoever - which is why there is no need to treat them. The others, on the other hand, very often suffer from bleeding disorders, such as strong or prolonged, very painful menstruation. More rarely, myoma patients experience unspecific pain in the abdomen, bladder problems such as frequent need to urinate, back pain or pain during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of myoma always occur when the proliferation grows and presses on neighbouring organs. This can affect vital organs of the body or cause pain. Secondary diseases of the myoma can be the urinary tract infection on the one hand and anaemia on the other hand. In some cases, myomas are also treated when they are linked to an unfulfilled desire to have children.

Are myomas treatable?

For more severe symptoms, myomas can be treated using different methods. Which therapy to use depends primarily on the symptoms, the size and location of the myoma, the age of the women and their desire to have children.

It becomes somewhat more difficult when pregnant women develop myomas. These myomas are not always noticeable during pregnancy. In principle, however, pregnancy promotes myoma growth due to the altered hormone situation.

The current study situation is also interesting: According to this study, miscarriages and premature births occur more frequently in pregnant myoma patients than in other women.

Specialists in the myoma center

Since the influence of myomas on the desire to have children and pregnancy can be a great burden for women, a close collaboration between the patient, the gynecologist treating the patient and any specialist myoma center involved is necessary.

In addition, myoma therapy is not based solely on surgical treatment; many myoma centers in Germany now have interdisciplinary alliances of doctors, physiotherapists and other non-physician professions.

For treatment, the specialists responsible at the Myoma Center need a specialist in gynecology. It is almost as important that the myoma center takes care of the affected women before, during and after the surgery. Many of the myoma centers active in Germany today therefore have a close network of pain and physical therapists, self-help groups and psychological consultants.

A reliable myoma center offers women comprehensive care beyond the surgery that may have become necessary. In particular, psychological problems must be dealt with as quickly as possible in order to improve the quality of life of women with myomas. Furthermore, a myoma center will always strive to preserve the uterus. Should it nevertheless be necessary to remove the uterus, which can happen in exceptional cases, it is best to have such a surgery performed in a myoma center that has good professional expertise.

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