Prof. Wallwiener from Tubingen is the Medical Director at the Tubingen University Women’s Clinic, a national Centre of Excellence in all fields of obstetrics and gynaecology. The service portfolio of the Department of Gynaecology in Tubingen includes the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up care of patients at the highest medical and scientific standards. Under the leadership of Prof. Wallwiener, the most varied specialist centres, such as an out-patient surgical centre, a pelvic floor centre, a breast centre, a dysplasia centre, an endometriosis centre, a fertility centre and a mother and child centre, are available for the patients at the Women’s Clinic in Tubingen.
The portfolio of the University Women’s Clinic in Tubingen is completed by the institutes for adolescent gynaecology, oncology, surgical gynaecology and prenatal diagnostics. Special treatment emphases at the Women’s Clinic in Tubingen are endometriosis, fertility treatment, carcinoma of the vulva, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Patients with gynaecological-oncological conditions are cared for at the Tumour Centre of the University Women’s Clinic in Tubingen. Here, thanks to the close collaboration of specialists within a number of specialist fields, individualised treatments schemes are developed within the framework of initial treatment or recurrence (fresh appearance of a cancer condition) and metastases (secondary tumours) in order to achieve the best possible treatment and care for cancer patients.
Over 3,800 patients are provided with outpatient care in the oncology out-patients’ department of the University Women’s Clinic in Tubingen annually. With its Breast Centre, the Women’s Clinic in Tubingen occupies an internationally leading position and surgery is performed for over 1,000 breast cancer patients annually in the Department of Gynaecology in Tubingen. Endometriosis is one of the most frequent benign gynaecological conditions and causes uncertainty and anxiety for many who are affected.
The specialists under Prof. Wallwiener at the Endometriosis Centre of the Women’s Clinic in Tubingen try to dispel the concerns of the women by providing the best care possible. Hence, on the one hand, the University Women’s Clinic in Tubingen is able to point out their extensive experience in the area of the surgical treatment of endometriosis and, on the other hand, there is close collaboration with other specialist fields in order to be able to respond to possible complications such as pain or an unfulfilled desire to have children.
Not just endometriosis can represent a cause of infertility. At the Fertility Centre of the Women’s Clinic in Tubingen, the specialists under Prof. Wallwiener in Tubingen probe the causes of infertility. Using the most advanced therapeutic techniques, the desire to have children can be fulfilled for many couples, for example, by means of artificial insemination. The University Women’s Clinic in Tubingen also counsels couples concerning freezing unfertilised egg cells (“Social Freezing”).