Here you will find medical experts in clinics and practices specializing in ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT). All doctors listed are specialists in their field and have been hand-picked for you according to strict guidelines. Please select a location or treatment focus. The experts look forward to hearing from you.
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Article overview
ENT - Further information
Next to the dentist, the ENT specialist feels like the doctor with the largest range of instruments in the practice. However, the widespread fear is not justified for dentists or ear, nose and throat specialists. ENT specialists know how to use their instruments very well and can usually help patients very quickly with diseases and disorders in the throat, ears or nose, for example.
What many people don't know: Ear, nose and throat specialists are also often the right people to contact if you suffer from sleep disorders caused by snoring or nocturnal breathing interruptions, known as sleep apnea.
The causes of snoring often lie in the nasopharyngeal area @ WavebreakmediaMicro /AdobeStock
What is ear, nose and throat medicine?
Otorhinolaryngology is a branch of modern medicine that primarily deals with diseases and injuries or tumors of the ears, nose including the paranasal sinuses and the oral cavity including the pharynx and larynx. The ENT specialist recognizes and treats (conservatively and surgically) existing problems and is also responsible for advising on prevention, aftercare and rehabilitation for the patient concerned.
All diseases of the salivary glands, such as stones, inflammations and benign or malignant tumors, are treated. In addition, specialists in ear, nose and throat medicine (ENT specialists) treat functional disorders of the sensory organs (smelling, tasting, hearing, etc.) in this area and help with
- Voice and speech disorders,
- hearing impairments and
- dizziness.
In addition, all fractures in the face, including the nose, are treated surgically and conservatively.
What diseases and disorders do ENT specialists treat?
Ear, nose and throat specialists treat ear diseases such as otosclerosis or chronic middle ear infections, which lead to inflammatory destruction of the auditory ossicles (malleus, incus, stapes) resulting in hearing loss. However, ENT specialists can also often help with voice and speech disorders, allergies (including hay fever), hearing problems including tinnitus and hearing loss, including the fitting of hearing aids.
Around three million Germans suffer from tinnitus @ /AdobeStock
Sleep apnoea and snoring as well as numerous tumor diseases (e.g. tracheal cancer, laryngeal cancer, throat cancer, oral cavity cancer and tumors at the base of the skull) also fall within the scope of ear, nose and throat medicine. In addition, all tumors in the orbit (eye socket) are usually operated on in cooperation with the ophthalmologists. Very frequently, surgery is performed on stunted nasal septums (septoplasty) or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
All dizziness disorders that originate from the organ of balance (otoneurology) are also diagnosed and treated by ENT specialists. A special domain of ENT is the treatment of children's diseases in the head and neck area, especially those caused by enlarged pharyngeal or palatine tonsils (pediatric ENT), as well as hearing, voice and speech disorders in children (pediatric audiology). A subspecialty is the treatment of the singing and speaking voice (phoniatrics) and its treatment by speech therapists.
A particular strength of ENT specialists is reconstructive plastic surgery of the face following accidents or tumors and aesthetic reconstructive surgery of the face and neck, such as rhinoplasty, ear reshaping, injections, eyelid surgery or face lifts.
What diagnostic procedures do ear, nose and throat specialists use?
The most common standard procedure used by ENT specialists is endoscopy. With the help of an endoscopic probe, which is inserted via a thin, rigid fiber optic rod or tube, the ENT specialist can enter
- the nose
- the pharynx,
- the larynx,
- the pharynx
- the oesophagus and
- the salivary gland ducts
to see inside.
In the area of the larynx, a tumor or vocal cord proliferation can usually be detected at an early stage.
The function of the larynx can be examined directly by endoscopy or with a flashlight (stroboscope).
The soft tissues of the throat and the paranasal sinuses, the thyroid gland and the neck vessels are examined using ultrasound and Doppler sonography.
In the area of the ears , the ear, nose and throat specialists use a microscope and various audiometric measurement methods. This makes it possible, among other things, to inspect the eardrum painlessly in order to diagnose or treat middle ear infections, eardrum or ear canal injuries or other conditions.
A variety of reflex procedures are carried out for the organ of equilibrium in order to differentiate between dizziness caused by a peripheral or central cause (brain).
What is the range of services offered by ENT specialists?
ENT specialists use a wide range of methods to help their patients with ear, nose and throat disorders. ENT surgery plays a major role in this. In most cases, however, these are micro-invasive operations, i.e. performed with a small incision.
ENT specialists very often perform middle and inner ear surgery, nasal and sinus surgery, laryngeal surgery and salivary gland surgery. Tumor surgery of the throat and oral cavity is also becoming increasingly important. Smoking and infections with human papillomaviruses (HPV) are considered to be the main triggers for these types of cancer. However, giving up smoking and early vaccination against HPV greatly help to minimize the personal risk of cancer.
The range of methods offered by the ear, nose and throat clinics is extended by
- plastic surgery (e.g. in the facial area, for ear malpositions, for deformities of the external nose),
- snoring therapy,
- allergology,
- implantable hearing aids
- and cochlear implants.
What qualifications do specialists in ear, nose and throat medicine have?
In order to be allowed to work as an ENT specialist in Germany after completing medical school, a 5-year training period is required. This is essentially divided into two sections:
- Two years of basic ear, nose and throat medicine.
- Three years of specialization in ear, nose and throat medicine.
Later, additional qualifications in allergology, plastic surgery, voice and speech disorders and special ENT surgery can be acquired as extended surgical expertise.
Medical spectrum
- Ménière's disease
- Acoustic neurinoma
- Acute hearing loss
- Aural disorders / Disorders of the ear
- Cancer of the salivary glands
- Cholesteatoma
- Crooked nose
- Epiglottitis
- Hearing loss
- Inflammation of the middle ear
- Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses
- Laryngitis
- Nasal polyp
- Otosclerosis
- Positional vertigo
- Salivary calculus / stone
- Septal deviation
- Sleep apnea
- Sore throat
- Surfer's ear / Exotosis of the ear canal
- Tinnitus
- Tonsil carcinoma
- Vertigo
- Vestibular disorders
- Vestibular neuritis