Type 2 diabetes: information & doctors

Leading Medicine Guide Editors
Leading Medicine Guide Editors

There are around 8 million diabetics in Germany alone. Of these, around 95% have type 2 diabetes. Diabetes is characterized by an elevated blood sugar level. Type 2 diabetes develops over the course of a lifetime. It often affects older people or - temporarily - pregnant women. The development of diabetes can often be prevented very well.

Here you will find further information and selected doctors for type 2 diabetes.

ICD codes for this diseases: E11

Recommended specialists

Article overview

What is type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by a reduced insulin effect (so-called "insulin resistance"). The body initially tries to compensate for the reduced effect by producing more insulin. However, this strain leads to the islet cells becoming exhausted in the long term. As a result, the body's own insulin production dries up.

Type 2 diabetes often begins very slowly with unspecific symptoms. At the beginning, the disease can also be completely symptom-free. Type 2 diabetes is therefore often diagnosed by chance. It is often only the secondary diseases that indicate type 2 diabetes.

This form of diabetes usually occurs in overweight and older people. Due to the increasing obesity in the population, the number of young patients is also rising.

In addition to overweight and obesity, type 2 diabetes is very often associated with


Signs of type 2 diabetes can include

  • severe thirst,
  • increased urine production,
  • irritability,
  • states of exhaustion,
  • blurred vision and
  • wounds that are difficult to heal

can be.

Consequences of insulin deficiency

Blood sugar levels are regulated by insulin. If the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the insulin does not work properly, this can lead to diabetes.

The sugar absorbed from food can then not be stored properly in muscles and fat. As a result, the blood sugar level rises. Diabetics also have high blood sugar levels in the morning when fasting. The reason for this is that the liver 's sugar production is not sufficiently controlled by insulin.

If the blood sugar level reaches an upper limit, the excess sugar is excreted via the kidneys with a lot of water. This is known as the renal threshold. Increased urination and great thirst are therefore among the typical signs of elevated blood sugar.

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Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus

The disease can be diagnosed using several methods. One clear sign is an elevated blood glucose level that is repeatedly measured when the patient is fasting.

The long-term glucose level in the blood is expressed by the so-called HbA1c value. If this is significantly elevated, this is also an indication of the presence of diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus is most frequently diagnosed using a sugar load test. This is an oral glucose tolerance test. The measurement is taken after drinking a standardized sugar solution. The focus is on the course of the blood glucose level in the blood.

Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus

There are standardized guidelines for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Specialists in the treatment of diabetes are specialists in the field of diabetology.

The aim of therapy is to prevent short-term complications such as

  • hypoglycaemia and
  • blood sugar imbalances

to avoid. It is also intended to prevent symptoms of poorly controlled diabetes, such as

  • reduced performance and
  • susceptibility to infections


In the long term, the therapy should prevent or delay the occurrence of secondary diseases. Typical secondary diseases include damage to

The majority of type 2 diabetics can be treated simply by changing their diet.

Sport and exercise also help with treatment. The working muscle can absorb and burn sugar independently of insulin. Therefore, with sufficient exercise, less insulin is needed to regulate the sugar metabolism.

Medication (tablets or insulin) is only used if a healthy lifestyle is not sufficient.

A correct and conscious diet is a lifelong companion for diabetics. Patients can learn more about correct and conscious nutrition in special training courses.

Insulin spritzen bei Diabetes
Diabetics must inject themselves with insulin if necessary © tibanna79 | AdobeStock

Complications and secondary diseases

Diabetics and their relatives need to acquire detailed knowledge about the disease. Many diabetics experience a variety of complications and secondary diseases. They must always be able to react appropriately.

Complications can be divided into short-term and long-term complications.

Short-term complications

Short-term complications include, for example, hypoglycaemia or blood sugar imbalances. The latter can also lead to coma.

Hypoglycemia is a major danger. Hypoglycemic shock can also develop. Patients who are being treated with certain diabetes medications (e.g. sulphonylurea preparations) are particularly affected. Causes of hypoglycaemia are, for example

  • Unusual physical exertion,
  • dietary errors such as skipping meals,
  • sometimes also alcohol consumption.

Clinical signs of hypoglycaemia include

  • Palpitations,
  • pallor of the skin,
  • sweating,
  • trembling,
  • hunger,
  • anxiety,
  • restlessness,
  • headaches,
  • lack of concentration and
  • irritability.

In acute hypoglycemia, the patient needs sugar quickly. He can take about

  • 2-3 sugar cubes or glucose,
  • 1 glass of fruit juice or sweetened tea or
  • 1-2 BE of fruit, bread or cookies

to eat.

A second short-term complication is the exact opposite: hyperglycemia. In the case of severe hyperglycemia, performance is usually impaired. A loss of consciousness or even unconsciousness (diabetic coma) can occur.

In addition, symptoms such as

  • Nausea and vomiting,
  • thirst,
  • abdominal pain,
  • dry skin,
  • deep breathing and
  • acetone odor in the exhaled air

in the exhaled air.

Causes of hyperglycemia include

  • a sudden illness,
  • infections,
  • overeating,
  • other medication or
  • an interruption in diabetes treatment

are possible causes. Knowing the cause of the derailment is important in order to be able to adjust the therapy if necessary and avoid further derailments.

Depending on the severity of the hyperglycemia, treatment with insulin is given. The patient should also drink plenty of fluids.

Long-term complications

Possible long-term complications include damage to

  • the eyes,
  • kidneys,
  • nerves,
  • heart and
  • vessels.

Complications and secondary diseases of diabetes mellitus can be life-threatening. They are responsible for limiting the life expectancy of diabetics.

Poor control of blood glucose levels over a longer period of time leads to changes in the

  • small blood vessels (microangiopathy) and
  • large blood vessels (macroangiopathy).

Microangiopathy particularly damages the kidneys (diabetic nephropathy) and the eyes(retinopathy). It plays a decisive role in the development of

Diabetic retinopathy

This is caused by poor blood sugar control over many years. This damages the blood vessels in the retina of the eyes. Bulges (microaneurysms) form. This can lead to fat deposits on the vessels. As a result, new blood vessels form, which bleed easily and can lead to blindness.

In Germany, around 8,000 people currently go blind every year as a result of diabetic complications. In order to treat diabetic retinal damage, it is first necessary to have good blood sugar control. Regular check-ups with an ophthalmologist are also necessary.

Diabetic nephropathy

Poor blood glucose control also leads to damage to the kidney vessels over the years. This in turn leads to a progressive loss of kidney function. As a result, dialysis (blood washing) becomes necessary after some time. In Germany, around half of all patients requiring dialysis are diabetics.

Nephropathy often manifests itself through


When these symptoms occur, normalization of kidney function is usually no longer possible. Therapy can only prevent the progression of the disease. For this reason, close monitoring of blood sugar levels and preventive examinations are absolutely essential.

Diabetic feet

Various causes can play a role in the development of diabetic foot syndrome. These include, for example

  • circulatory disorders and
  • peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage) as a result of long-standing diabetes mellitus.

Nerve damage in particular often leads to abnormal or incorrect loading of the foot. The foot also loses some of its sensitivity, i.e. those affected no longer feel as much in the foot. This often leads to unnoticed injuries. These represent a possible gateway for germs to enter. Infections, in turn, can lead to chronic, poorly healing wounds.

Inadequate or incorrect foot care can also play an important role in the development of this serious condition.

If treatment is not provided or is provided too late , there is a risk of amputation. In Germany, almost 30,000 amputations are performed on diabetics every year. This high number could be reduced by

  • good blood sugar control,
  • regular check-ups and
  • timely and appropriate treatment

be significantly reduced.

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