University - Karl Rössler - Head and cerebral neurosurgery -

University Professor Dr. med. Karl Rössler

Specialist for Head and cerebral neurosurgery, Neurosurgery in Vienna

Währinger Gürtel 18-20
1090 Vienna
+43 14040045650 (Landline at local rates)
University - Karl Rössler - Head and cerebral neurosurgery -
University Professor Dr. med. Karl Rössler Specialist for Head and cerebral neurosurgery, Neurosurgery in Vienna
+43 14040045650 (Landline at local rates)
As an undisputed specialist, Prof. Rössler has a great reputation in all questions concerning neurosurgery. Although he is mainly focused on diseases of the head and brain, he also has immense experience in surgeries of the spine - and tumors.

Curriculum Vitae University Professor Dr. med. Karl Rössler


12/12/1988 Promotion- Dr. med. univ., University Vienna (Medical studies 1982-1988), Austria
18/11/2010 Promotion-, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany



Venia Legendi for Neurosurgery, University Vienna 
Habilitation dissertation: “Development of Neuronavigation in Neurosurgery” 

7/20/2010 University Professor,
Ministry of Science and Research, University of Vienna
1/7/2019 Full Professor of Neurosurgery,
Medical University Vienna, Austria


9/2006 – 6/2011 Director,
Dept. of Neurosurgery, Academic Teaching Hospital Feldkirch, Austria
7/2011 – 2/2014

Leading Managing Physician
Clinic for Neurosurgery, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

2/2014 – 6/2019

Clinic for Neurosurgery, University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

7/2019- present

Director, Clinic for Neurosurgical, Medical University Vienna


4/1/1997 Physician specialized in Neurosurgery,
Austrian Medical Chamber
13/11/1999 Diploma in Hospital Management,
Vienna University
08/06/2004 Registration as Medical Practitioner and Neurosurgeon,
GMC, United Kingdom
10/1/2009 Physician specialized in Neurosurgical Intensive Care,
Austrian Medical Chamber
21/11/2009 Principle Investigator License / Clinical Studies,
Medical University Graz, Austria
25/3/2014 Certificate Vascular Neurosurgery,
German Association for Neurosurgery (DGNC)
23/5/2017 Certificate Epilepsy Surgery,
Committee Epilepsy surgery (Austria, Germany, Swiss)


243 Peer reviewed, Impact factor 985, H-Index 49 (2023)


Chair of the Committee for Neurosurgical Oncology
Austria (ANCO) of the ÖGNC, 2007- 2010

President of the Association of Physicians
Vorarlberg, Austria 2008-2010

Delegate International League against Epilepsy (ILAE), Commissions: Surgical Therapies, Epilepsy Surgery Education und Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery, 2016-2021

Board Member, Functional Section, European Association of Neurosurgical societies
(EANS), 2021- present

WFNS Delegate (Word Federation of Neurosurgical Societies) of the Austrian Neurosurgical Society, 2019-present

Vice-President, International Epilepsy Surgery Society (IESS), 2021- present



About us University Professor Dr. med. Karl Rössler

University Professor Dr. med. Karl Rössler has taken over the professorship for neurosurgery at the Medical University of Vienna and the management of the University Clinic for Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Vienna/Vienna General Hospital with effect from 1 July 2019. He previously held the position of Deputy Clinical Director of the University Clinic for Neurosurgery at the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU).

Professor K. Rössler's main research areas in recent years have been neuronavigation and intraoperative imaging in epilepsy surgery, brain tumor surgery and vascular neurosurgery at the University Hospital of Erlangen, one of the world's outstanding centers of excellence for intraoperative imaging.

Pioneering in epilepsy surgery

Professor K. Rössler attracted worldwide interest, especially because of his pioneering discoveries in epilepsy surgery. Within the "International League Against Epilepsy" and as a board member of the "Surgical Therapies Commission", he succeeded in developing new forms of this very important field of research.

In order to enable Professor K. Rössler to continue his research projects, which are being followed with great interest all over the world, under optimal conditions, an intraoperative MRI center is being established at the Vienna University Clinic for Neurosurgery. Together with the University Clinic for Radiology, it is intended to establish an international center of excellence for intraoperative imaging in neurosurgery.

Important: interdisciplinary cooperation

This makes another objective of the specialist Professor K. Rössler obvious: The renowned expert deems it extremely important to expand and deepen the interdisciplinary cooperation with the neurosciences departments of the Medical University of Vienna. For example, a "Comprehensive Center for Clinical Neurosciences" is to be established in order to strengthen the cooperation with the University Clinics for Neurology and Psychiatry, the Clinical Institute of Neurology (Obersteiner Institute) and the Center for Brain Research. The objective: Professor K. Rössler wants above all to integrate findings from basic research for neurosurgical therapies of common diseases into new treatment methods.

This not only concerns epilepsy. Parkinson's disease - and depression - are among the most common diseases in this area. And even with this, the synergies are not yet at an end, because new therapies are also to be developed for patients with brain tumors, for example in cooperation with the "Comprehensive Cancer Center Vienna" at the Medical University of Vienna, in order to expand precision medicine in the field of oncology. In many areas interdisciplinary cooperation will be intensified - for example, neurosurgical spine surgery will be linked with trauma surgery and orthopedics or pediatric neurosurgery will be linked with skull base surgery. The Medical University of Vienna is also to play a pioneering role in gender medicine within neurosurgery.

International network of experts

With all these changes, which are intended to optimize research results in Vienna, it is not surprising that University Professor Dr. med. K. Rössler is also promoting the international networking of clinics, research and further education of young colleagues. Of course, this also includes student and postgraduate teaching. For example, there are plans for a separate main lecture on neurosurgery and a block internship in neurosurgery within the medical curriculum at the Medical University of Vienna.

So it will be exciting to see what University professor Dr. med. K. Rössler is going to accomplish in Vienna. But one thing is already clear: the international reputation of the Clinic for Neurosurgery at the Medical University in the General Hospital of the City of Vienna in particular will continue to grow.

Special Offers / Arrangements / Rooms

We are the only clinic in Austria to combine a Gamma-Knife surgery room, an endovascular surgery room, an operating room for awake operations, an operating room for stereotactic procedures and a neuro-intensive care unit in one building. This enables us to guarantee our patients the shortest possible and often vital travel times and the highest quality of treatment.


Plus Code: 8FWR68CW+7P

Medical University Vienna - University Clinic for Neurosurgery

Währinger Gürtel 18-20
1090 Vienna

Call now: +43 14040045650
Landline at local rates

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