Prof. - Matthias Bolz - Refractive surgery -

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Bolz

Specialist for refractive surgery and ophthalmology in Linz

Krankenhausstraße 9
4020 Linz
+43 57680831050 (Landline at local rates)
Prof. - Matthias Bolz - Refractive surgery -
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Bolz Specialist for refractive surgery and ophthalmology in Linz
+43 57680831050 (Landline at local rates)
Prof. Bolz is exactly the right specialist for all questions concerning the eye. He has a great deal of experience, especially with age-related retinal diseases and with glaucoma and cataracts, and he is very familiar with the most innovative laser surgeries. His expertise is also in demand for artificial lenses and surgery of the tear ducts.

Special Clinical Focus

  • Cornea
  • Retina with a focus on the macula
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes and vitreoretinal surgery
  • Oculoplastic surgery and tear ducts
  • Tear duct surgery
  • Uveitis clinic
  • Cataract surgery / FEMTO laser cataract surgery: monofocal intra-ocular lenses, toric intra-ocular lenses (monofocal)
  • Dry and exudative (moist) age-related macular degeneration
  • Other macular and retinal conditions

About us Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Bolz

The eye specialist, Prof. Matthias Bolz, is the Director of the University Ophthalmology Clinic at the Kepler University Hospital in Linz and is the tenured professor in the field of ophthalmology of the Medical Faculty there. In addition, as an established ophthalmologist, he also operates his own surgery in Linz. Prof. Bolz’s medical emphases are surgical cataract treatment, corneal and retinal surgery and the diagnosis of retinal conditions.

Prof. Bolz in Linz enjoys an outstanding reputation in the medical-scientific circles in ophthalmology. Not only is he the founder and head of various research groups and specialist networks in Upper Austria, as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Austrian Ophthalmology Association, but he is also the author of a large number of scientific publications. Since 2004, the eye specialist in Linz has given presentations at national and international specialist congresses and his scientific work has been honoured a number of times by prestigious institutions.

Prof. Bolz’s specialists’ networks and research projects are of benefit to the Ophthalmology Clinic at the Kepler University Hospital. The clinic itself participates in a large number of studies, by which the latest scientific insights are conveyed directly to the patient. Under the Leadership of Prof. Bolz, then, the Ophthalmology Clinic in Linz is the most important centre for ophthalmology and eye surgery in Upper Austria. The patients and their vision are the centre of attention of the nine highly specialised practitioners and four assistant physicians and of the entire technical and nursing staff. The clinic provides comprehensive services for the diagnosis and medically indicated surgical treatment within and on the human visual organ.

The specialists at the University Ophthalmology Clinic in Linz are optimally equipped for procedures on the associated organs of the eye, such as the eyelids or tear ducts, for the treatment of various visual disorders, for example, a cataract or glaucoma, right up to corneal transplantation. The surgical-technical equipment is most up to date: a state-of-the-art femto laser is employed for cataract surgery, for example. Thus, the most precise incisions, on an atomic level, can be made with the maximum preservation of the tissues.

The Clinic’s Special Orthoptic Out-patients’ Department (orthoptics practice) specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of complex forms of strabismus and eye malalignments due to neurological or traumatic cause is. Surgery is not always necessarily required here. Following a comprehensive orthoptic examination, the eye specialists in Linz will discuss further treatment with you.


If your ophthalmology specialist has determined that you have an acquired or congenital corneal condition, our Specialist Out-patients’ Department offers you the option of a precise diagnostic investigation and the optimal therapy based on this.


If your ophthalmology specialist has determined that you have a lens opacity (e.g. age-related, following an accident or in the course of a systemic condition), we offer the option of a comprehensive investigation and informative consultation concerning the up-to-date surgical techniques available and provided in our Clinic.

An after cataract may develop following cataract surgery; we also offer treatment by means of YAG capsulotomy (laser). Your attending ophthalmologist will clarify whether treatment is required and he will refer you for treatment, if required.

Retina, with a focus on the macula

If your ophthalmologist has detected an e.g. age-related change in your macula (= area of sharpest vision in the retina), we offer diagnosis and treatment (e.g. administration of medication into the eye) in accordance with the most up-to-date study recommendations. But patients with rare macular conditions also come to our Specialist Clinic for a more detailed diagnosis.


If your ophthalmologist has detected a pathological change in your optic nerve papilla and/or an increased intraocular pressure (= glaucoma), a specialist out-patient diagnosis can be made in the course of the glaucoma in accordance with the latest guidelines, as well as longer-term treatment planning. One possible part of this diagnosis involves a day-night pressure curve, i.e. the intraocular pressure is monitored at regular intervals until midnight over the course of a one-day in-patient stay.

Should medication-based treatment not result in an adequate reduction in the intraocular pressure, further therapeutic measures are also available at our clinic (e.g. laser or cryotherapy, glaucoma surgery).

Diabetes and vitreoretinal surgery

If a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) has been made by your GP or your internist, check-ups by your local specialist ophthalmologist are necessary, at least annually.
If your ophthalmologist has detected sugar-related changes in your retina, you will be referred to our specialist clinic. Here, we can develop the optimal therapeutic strategy for you (e.g. laser treatment, administration of medication into the eye). Patients with conditions in the vitreous humour (e.g. haemorrhage, opacification) at the retina or at the intersection (e.g. vitreous humour traction on the retina) are advised concerning the surgical options following diagnosis. In many cases, this should be continuously monitored (before and after surgery), which is performed, depending on the characteristics, in collaboration with the local specialist ophthalmologist. Diabetic retinopathy is one of the leading causes of blindness in diabetic patients (also in employable age). Patients with diabetes mellitus should therefore visit their ophthalmologist regularly for a routine check-up.

Oculoplastic surgery and tear ducts

If your ophthalmologist has detected e.g. age-related changes in your eyelids (e.g. drooping upper or lower eyelid, entropion of the lower eyelid with scratching eyelashes, warts, styes), in unclear cases, an assessment can be made in our specialist clinic on referral. With a direct referral by your ophthalmologist and the approval of the Senior Consultant, an immediate appointment for surgery can be arranged.
For watery eyes due to narrowed or occluded outflow ducts, we provide clarification and, if required, surgical reconstruction (e.g. lavage, lengthening).
We also evaluate the progress of benign and malignant tumours inside the eye and in the eye socket by means of ultrasound and photographic documentation.

Uveitis Clinic

If your ophthalmologist has detected an auto-immunological condition in your eye, e.g. in the course of an underlying rheumatological disease such as polyarthritis or Bekhterev’s disease, you will be referred to our Specialist Clinic. We arrange clarification for recurrent cases (e.g. laboratory, rheumatologist, X-ray). For severe cases, we initiate an interdisciplinary basic therapy and care for patients during acute episodes.

Consultation times and contact:

• Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
• Telephone: +43 (0)5 7680 83 – 1048

Diagnostic Services
  • Endothelial cell count measurement
  • Corneal pachymetry
  • Corneal topography (Pentacam)
  • Confocal microscopy
  • Biometry (IOL Master)
  • Corneal topography (Pentacam)
Retina with a focus on the macula:
  • Fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography (FLA, ICGA)
  • Autofluorescence
  • Fundus photography
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
  • 20 MHz sonography (ultrasound)
  • OCT angiography
  • Visual field examination: static and kinetic perimetry
  • Heidelberg retinal tomography (HRT)
  • Optical coherence tomography (Stratus OCT, Spectralis OCT)
  • Corneal pachymetry (Pentacam)
  • In-patient day / night pressure profile
Diabetes and vitreoretinal surgery:
  • Fluorescence angiography (FLA)
  • Optical coherence tomography (OCT)
  • OCT angiography
  • Fundus photography
Tear ducts:
  • Tear film assessment
  • Tear duct probing / irrigation for adults and children
Uveitis clinic:
  • OCT
  • FLA, ICG-A
  • Diagnostic anterior chamber puncture or vitrectomy for PCR of neurotropic viruses
  • Transfer for continuing interdisciplinary diagnostics
Sicca clinic:
  • Specific history (e.g. workplace)
  • Tear film analysis
  • Conjunctival / corneal staining
  • Schirmer test
  • Meibomian gland analysis
Therapeutic Services
  • Amnion transplantation
  • Corneal transplantation (keratoplasty): perforating keratoplasty, anterior / posterior lamellar keratoplasty
  • Corneal cross-linking (for keratoconus)
  • Micro-incision technique (MICS, Micro-incision cataract surgery)
Retina with a focus on the macula:
  • Intravitreal injection
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
  • Argon laser coagulation (ALK)
  • Cryocoagulation
  • Pars plana vitrectomy (ppV)
  • Eylea, Avastin, Triamcinolon, Ozudex
  • Intraocular pressure reduction surgery: filtering procedures (trabeculectomy [TET] with / without Mitomycin C)
  • Cyclodestructive techniques: cyclo-photo laser coagulation, cyclo-cryocoagulation
  • Argon laser trabeculoplasty (ALT)
  • Laser iridotomy
  • Surgical iridectomy
  • Cataract surgery (therapeutic)
Diabetes and vitreoretinal surgery:
  • Argon laser coagulation
  • Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF (Avastin, Lucentis)
  • Retina surgery
  • Vitreous humour surgery
  • IVOMS as for macula
  • Vitreolysis
Oculoplastic surgery and tear ducts:
  • Upper lid tightening (blepharoplasty)
  • Correction of eyelid malposition (entropion / ectropion)
  • Correction of sagging eyelids (ptosis)
  • Removal of tissue changes on the eyelids and on the conjunctiva
  • Removal of tumours and subsequent plastic correction of the tissue defects
Tear ducts:
  • Plastic-reconstructive restoration of the tear ducts
  • tear duct splinting (silicon tube splinting)
  • Dacryocystorhinostomy (Toti technique)
Uveitis clinic:
  • Planning of systemic and local cortisone therapy
  • Retrobulbar and parabulbar injections of Volon-A / Xylanest
  • Intravitreal triamcinolone, and Ozurdex
Sicca clinic:
  • Creation of a balanced tear replacement treatment with reference to the individual deficits in the aqueous and oleaginous fractions
  • Punctum plugs
  • Cyclosporin eye-drops

Special Offers / Arrangements / Rooms

The following hotels are in the vicinity:
  • Marriot Courtyard, Europaplatz 2; 4020 Linz; +43-732-69590
  • Prielmayrhof, Weissenwolfstrasse 33, 4020 Linz


Plus Code: 8FWP8834+J8

Kepler University Hospital, University Ophthalmology Clinic

Krankenhausstraße 9
4020 Linz

Call now: +43 57680831050
Landline at local rates

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