With bursitis in the knee (ICD M70.5), a bursa in the knee joint becomes inflamed . This can occur in various places:
- in the area in front of the kneecap or
- on the inside and back of the knee joint.
Knee pain? Bursitis is often the cause. © westfotos.de / Fotolia
In prepatellar bursitis, the bursa in front of the kneecap is affected by the inflammation. Infrapatellar bursitis, on the other hand, is limited to the bursa located below the kneecap. There are also bursae in the hollow of the knee that can become inflamed.
A bursa, known as a synovial bursa in medical terminology, is a tissue sac that is filled with fluid. Bursae are always found where joints are subject to particularly heavy strain. The structure acts as a buffer and reduces pressure and friction on the skin, muscles, bones and tendons. While most of the 150 or so bursae are quite insensitive, other joints are prone to bursitis. The knee joint is one of these susceptible joints.
Inflamed bursa below the kneecap (pictured: side view)© Henrie / Fotolia
If the knee is exposed to pressure and/or heavy (incorrect) loads over a long period of time, the bursa can become inflamed. Bursitis is therefore one of the typical overload reactions of the knee joint. However, bursitis can also occur after a fall onto the kneecaps. Bacteria can then penetrate through an open wound, resulting in an infection of the bursa.
There are various risk factors for inflammation of the bursa in the knee. These include
- one-sided physical work such as laying tiles or working in the garden;
- Acute injuries caused by sports accidents or falls;
- chronic joint diseases such as osteoarthritis or arthritis;
- sports activitiesthat put a strain on the knees , such as surfing, tennis or soccer.
Bursitis causes swelling in the affected area of the knee. The overlying skin is reddenedand the entire inflamed area is overheated. Those affected feel pain, particularly during movements that put pressure on the inflamed structure. The mobility of the knee is often restricted.
Specific symptoms can occur depending on the location of the inflammation:
- In prepatellar bursitis, flexion of the knee is particularly painful. The inflammation is characterized by redness and swelling directly above the kneecap.
- With infrapatellar bursitis, on the other hand, the area below the knee swells. In addition to bending, this form of bursitis often causes pain when the knee is stretched .
A description of the symptoms and a look at the knee are usually enough to lead to a suspected diagnosis of "bursitis of the knee". As the inflammation is often caused by overuse, the doctor will also ask the patient about any strenuous physical activities. The patient's occupation, sports profile, falls, injuries or previous illnesses are also of interest when taking the patient's medical history (anamnesis).
To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor performs a physical examination following the medical history. In doing so, he pays particular attention to swelling, redness or heat symptoms in the area of the knee.
If a patient frequently suffers from bursitis in the knee, further diagnostics may be necessary. For example, an X-ray examination can provide indications of changes in the area of the knee joint and thus help to identify possible causative diseases. If metabolic diseases such as gout or rheumatic diseases are suspected, a blood test may be useful.
Bursitis of the knee is usually treated conservatively. The PECH rule provides the first steps in first aid:
- P - rest. The knee joint needs time and rest until the inflammation subsides and is able to bear weight again.
- E - Ice-cold pain relief by cooling the knee joint, for example with an ice pack (wrapped in a towel to make the cold more comfortable).
- C - Compression: light pressure reduces swelling.
- H - Elevating the knee joint promotes blood flow and reduces swelling.
The affected knee joint should be protected and cooled. Depending on the location of the inflammation, a special tape bandage on the knee may also alleviate the symptoms; a doctor or physiotherapist can advise you on this. Anti-inflammatory medication can be taken to relieve the pain.
If there are no open injuries, the specialist can puncture the bursa if there is pronounced swelling with an unpleasant feeling of pressure in order to drain fluid using a syringe. If necessary, he can then directly inject anti-inflammatory cortisone to combat the inflammatory reaction.
A puncture can relieve the knee in the case of protracted bursitis. © ursule / Fotolia
However, it should be noted that an injection into the knee joint is always associated with risks. Bacteria can enter the bursa or the knee joint and exacerbate the inflammation. Sterile working is therefore particularly important.
If the symptoms of inflammation persist for several weeks or if inflammation occurs repeatedly, this is chronic bursitis. If conservative treatment does not work, the doctor can remove part or all of the affected bursa in an operation.
The course and duration of bursitis depend on the cause and severity on the one hand and on the treatment on the other. As a rule, however, bursitis can be treated well and heals quite quickly. In the case of mild inflammation, sick leave is generally not necessary or only for a few days at most. However, severe inflammation requiring surgery can mean several weeks off work.
Bursitis of the knee mainly occurs in people whose job requires them to kneel a lot. Sports activities that put a lot of strain on the knee can also lead to inflammation. However, you can counteract the inflammation with sufficient rest so that the unpleasant pain usually subsides quickly.
Knee supports protect against bursitis. © Picture-Factory / Fotolia
Bursae protect the knee joint from excessive strain. As long as they are not inflamed, they perform their shock-absorbing function almost in secret. To protect the bursa and therefore the knee joint, special knee pads or supports can be worn during strenuous activities or sports that put a lot of strain on the knees. Regular breaks and light mobilization through compensatory knee movement keep the knee joint strong and healthy.