Dr Ostrowski was placed on the Focus List of the most renowned German doctors in 2014. Currently, together with Prof. Tobias Pitzen and Dr Michael Ruf, he heads the Spinal Centre of the Heidelberg Rehabilitation Trust Hospital in Karlsbad-Langensteinbach. In 2015, Prof. Pitzen was acknowledged as a renowned international specialist in spinal surgery.
Dr Ostrowski specialises in both congenital and acquired deformities of the spinal column, such as scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spinal column), kyphosis (hunchback) or spondylolisthesis (kinky back). A further focus is the treatment of tumours of the supporting skeleton, as well as inflammation and fractures of the spinal column. The specialist department is one of the world's leading facilities of its kind. Dr Ostrowski and his colleagues have many years of experience in the surgical treatment of spinal deformities and have already been honoured many times for their work.
Above all, Dr Ostrowski treats conditions and injuries in children and adolescents within the Spinal Surgery Centre. These injuries can differ fundamentally from those observed in adults. Dr Ostrowski and his department are entirely attuned to and specialise in the requirements of their young patients. Dr Ostrowski predominantly treats deformities of the spinal column.
Many of the surgical techniques performed today as standard were developed and performed for the first time at the Heidelberg Rehabilitation Trust Hospital in Karlsbad-Langensteinbach. So, today, thanks to the extensive experience of surgeons such as Dr Gregor Ostrowski, surgery can be optimally performed on children as young as one and two years of age.
Just as Dr Ostrowski does, all the other internationally renowned specialists at the hospital also perform both traditional open surgery, as well as, increasingly, minimally invasive procedures on the spinal columns of our little patients. Here, they use advanced radiographic navigation systems in order to minimise the risk of injury during surgery. Dr Ostrowski and his team collaborate very closely with specialists in other departments, such as vascular surgeons and neurosurgeons, and are thus in a position to treat almost all conditions of the spinal column optimally and tailored to the individual’s requirements in the hospital.