Hepatology - liver - Medical specialists

Here you will find medical specialists in the medical field Hepatology - liver. All listed physicians are specialists in their field and have been carefully selected for you according to the strict Leading Medicine guidelines. The experts are looking forward to your inquiry.

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Hepatology - liver - Further information

In a search for specialists in hepatology you will find gastroenterology experts for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary system. You are suffering from hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallstones or liver cancer and are seeking an experienced hepatologist? We will help you find a hepatology specialist.

Specialist in hepatology/hepatologist

The specialist in hepatology is involved in the development, treatment and prevention of disease of the liver and biliary system. Focus for a hepatologist is the tumour treatment of liver carcinoma and liver metastases. The most common hepatological diseases include hepatitis, fatty liver, gallstone disease, jaundice, liver fibrosis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure and malignant hepatic and biliary system carcinoma. In addition to knowledge about such diagnostic procedures as endoscopy and liver biopsy, hepatologists have knowledge about disease-related pre- and post-diagnostic procedures.

Therapeutic range of services of hepatology

The therapeutic range of services of hepatology includes for the most part endoscopic diagnostics and therapy, laparoscopy, endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatography (ERCP - bile duct and pancreatic duct representation), percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography (PTC) (biliary viewing through the skin), minimally invasive surgery, anorectal endosonography, liver biopsy, liver transplantation, ultrasound, computer tomography and magnetic resonance tomography.

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