Kraus A, Täger J, Kohler K, Haerle M, Werdin F, Schaller HE, Sinis N. Non-viral genetic transfection of rat Schwann cells with FuGENE HD© lipofection and AMAXA© nucleofection is feasible but impairs cell viability. Neuron Glia Biol. 2011 Jun 7:1-6.
Bendella H, Pavlov SP, Grosheva M, Irintchev A, Angelova SK, Merkel D, Sinis N, Kaidoglou K, Skouras E, Dunlop SA, Angelov DN. Non-invasive stimulation of the vibrissal pad improves recovery of whisking function after simultaneous lesion of the facial and infraorbital nerves in rats. Exp Brain Res. 2011 Jul;212(1):65-79.
Sinis N, Kraus A, Drakotos D, Doser M, Schlosshauer B, Müller HW, Skouras E, Bruck JC, Werdin F. Bioartificial reconstruction of peripheral nerves using the rat median nerve model. Ann Anat. 2011 Jul;193(4):341-6. Epub 2011 Mar 22. Review.
Sinis N, Manoli T, Schiefer JL, Werdin F, Jaminet P, Kraus A, Fornaro M, Raimondo S, Geuna S, Schaller HE. Application of 2 different hemostatic procedures during microsurgical median nerve reconstruction in the rat does not hinder axonal regeneration. Neurosurgery. 2011 May;68(5):1399-403; discussion 1403-4.
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Sinis N, Boettcher M, Kraus A, Werdin F, Schaller HE. Four-digit replantation in a mentally retarded person: a case report. Eplasty. 2010 Sep 30;10:e62.
Jaminet P, Kraus A, Manoli T, Werdin F, Schaller HE, Sinis N. Accidental median nerve injury during trapezium resection and ligament reconstruction for primary rhizarthrosis. Microsurgery. 2010 Sep;30(6):502-4.
Jaminet P, Werdin F, Jabsen JS, Kraus A, Sinis N, Schaller HE. [Limited portal carpal tunnel release. An alternative to classic open release?]. Orthopade. 2010 Nov;39(11):1029-35. German.
Gustin SM, Schwarz A, Birbaumer N, Sines N, Schmidt AC, Veit R, Larbig W, Flor H, Lotze M. NMDA-receptor antagonist and morphine decrease CRPS- pain and cerebral pain representation. Pain. 2010 Oct;151(1):69-76. Epub 2010 Jul 13.
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Werdin F, Sinis N, Stetter C, Mittelbronn M, Schaller HE, Hering R. Poikilodermia, anhidrosis, hairless body, neurogenic muscle atrophy, and recurrent hematuria: a new syndrome? Clin Dysmorphol. 2010 Apr;19(2):65-8.
Manoli T, Jaminet P, Kraus A, Schaller HE, Werdin F, Sinis N. One-stage ear reconstruction after avulsion injury, using the amputated cartilage and a retroauricular transposition flap. Eplasty. 2010 Jan 18;10
Jaminet P, Werdin F, Kraus A, Pfau M, Schaller HE, Becker S, Sinis N. Extreme microstomia in an 8-month-old infant: bilateral commissuroplasty using rhomboid buccal mucosa flaps. Eplasty. 2009 Dec 26;10
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Sinis N, Di Scipio F, Schönle P, Werdin F, Kraus A, Koopmanns G, Masanneck C, Hermanns S, Danker T, Guenther E, Haerle M, Schaller HE, Geuna S, Mueller HW. Local administration of DFO-loaded lipid particles improves recovery after end-to-end reconstruction of rat median nerve. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2009;27(6):651-62
Sinis N, Kraus A, Tselis N, Haerle M, Werdin F, Schaller HE. Functional recovery after implantation of artificial nerve grafts in the rat- a systematic review. J Brachial Plex Peripher Nerve Inj. 2009 Oct 25;4:19
Kraus A, Täger J, Kohler K, Manoli T, Haerle M, Werdin F, Hoffmann J, Schaller HE, Sinis N. Efficacy of various durations of in vitro predegeneration on the cell count and purity of rat Schwann-cell cultures. J Neurotrauma. 2010 Jan;27(1):197-203
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Werdin F, Grüssinger H, Jaminet P, Kraus A, Manoli T, Danker T, Guenther E, Haerlec M, Schaller HE, Sinis N. An improved electrophysiological method to study peripheral nerve regeneration in rats. J Neurosci Methods. 2009 Aug 30;182(1):71-7. Epub 2009 Jun 6.
Sinis N, Horn F, Genchev B, Skouras E, Merkel D, Angelova SK, Kaidoglou K, Michael J, Pavlov S, Igelmund P, Schaller HE, Irintchev A, Dunlop SA, Angelov DN. Electrical stimulation of paralyzed vibrissal muscles reduces endplate reinnervation and does not promote motor recovery after facial nerve repair in rats. Ann Anat. 2009 Oct;191(4):356-70. Epub 2009 May 13.
Sinis N, Boettcher M, Werdin F, Kraus A, Schaller HE. Restoration of shoulder abduction function by direct muscular neurotization with the phrenic nerve fascicles and nerve grafts: a case report. Microsurgery. 2009;29(7):552-5.
Sinis N, Lanaras TI, Kraus A, Werdin F, Schaller HE, Peek A. Free latissimus dorsi flap with long venous grafts for closure of a soft tissue defect of the spine in a patient with Noonan's syndrome: A case report. Microsurgery. 2009 Mar 18. [Epub ahead of print]
Lanaras TI, Schaller HE, Sinis N. Brachial plexus lesions: 10 years of experience in a center for microsurgery in Germany. Microsurgery. 2009;29(2):87-94.
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Sinis N, Schaller HE, Schulte-Eversum C, Lanaras T, Schlosshauer B, Doser M, Dietz K, Rösner H, Müller HW, Haerle M. Comparative neuro tissue engineering using different nerve guide implants. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2007;100:61-4.
Grosheva M, Guntinas-Lichius O, Angelova SK, Kuerten S, Alvanou A, Streppel M, Skouras E, Sinis N, Pavlov S, Angelov DN. Local stabilization of microtubule assembly improves recovery of facial nerve function after repair. Exp Neurol. 2007 Sep 26;
Sinis N, Guntinas-Lichius O, Irintchev A, Skouras E, Kuerten S, Pavlov SP, Schaller HE, Dunlop SA, Angelov DN.. Manual stimulation of forearm muscles does not improve recovery of motor function after injury to a mixed peripheral nerve. Exp Brain Res. 2007 Oct 23.
Sinis N, Schaller HE, Becker ST, Schlosshauer B, Doser M, Roesner H, Oberhoffner S, Müller HW, Haerle M. Long nerve gaps limit the regenerative potential of bioartificial nerve conduits filled with Schwann cells. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2007;25(2):131-41.
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Sinis N, Birbaumer N, Gustin S, Schwarz A, Bredanger S, Becker ST, Unertl K, Schaller HE, Haerle M. Memantine treatment of complex regional pain syndrome: A preliminary report. Clin J Pain. 2007 Mar-Apr;23(3):237-43.
Sinis N, Haerle M, Becker ST, Schulte-Eversum C, Vonthein R, Rösner H, Schaller HE. Neuroma formation in a rat median nerve model – influence of distal stump and muscular coating. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007 Mar;119(3):960-6.
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